Posted on Sep 23, 2023
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Milton Lefkowitz - VA News
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Another great share of a Soldier who did his duty and then came home to build a new life.
Milton Lefkowitz and our fathers and grandfathers went through hell in WW2, My dad included, My 1 year stint in combat in Nam was a cakewalk compared to what these brave WW 2 vets went thrrough. With all of this revisonist history taught in school today, I doubt that todays kids know or even appreciate what our fore fathers went trrough to save this nation, but I hope that they do learn and appreciate. Milton Lefkowitz is a file example of a patriot and deserves to be the VOD.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
I used to think the same thing, Lyle, but don't sell what you experienced short. As a military historian I've come to learn some important truths. One of those is that while we may not have endured as much as many WWII vets, the fact remains that we were in sustained combat or proximity to combat for much longer than the vast majority of them. Moreover, we were doing it for a country that didn't give a flyin' #%$@ for us and what we went through. Just sayin', amigo!
I'm sure old Adolf would have just loved the idea of Milton staying in one of his apartments.
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