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Responses: 11
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SGT Robert R.
I got a pamphlet in the mail over the weekend. It will be interesting to see how this changes the VA.
SFC Kevin Bradley
SFC Kevin Bradley
6 y
If you qualify for it, take it. As you get older, those issues will compound, and it gets to a point that you would wish you just had full function again. The guilt is understandable, we had to suck it up and drive on. Well, you drove on, and earned it with your body and your mind. (I would gladly give it up to have my knees, lower back, cartilage in my ankles, feet, elbows, hands all back. Just sayin')
SFC Tom Jones
SFC Tom Jones
6 y
I agree with everyone, I retired in 1997 back in 1981 I was in a jeep wreck, for you do guy's it was a M151A-1 jeep, that was before the hummer and I hurt my back and I suck it up and drove on, Then came retirement went had all the doctors look at me, than I remembered what my CSM told me to do so I did then went to the VA and told them in 1998 then finally I got some real good help and finally had my back operation in 2018 so if they give it to you take and go to VA and get checked out .
GySgt Thomas Vick
GySgt Thomas Vick
6 y
I got the letter but no pamplet
Sgt Douglas Berger
Sgt Douglas Berger
>1 y
SFC Kevin Bradley - I agree issues will compound. As well as an acceleration of the aging process. Your condition today will not be the same condition later in time. GYSgt Vick.. read the letters and brochures, but when you try to apply the Mission Act you will find at many levels like urgent care, pharmacies do not understand. I have experienced the problems first hand. Trying to explain does not help_ even within the VA there is a huge lack of understanding. Here is what I ended up doing it expedited everything. If you hit the wall do not waste your time in trying to educate, just pay for it full price and later turn in your receipts to Community Care, Example I tried three different pharmacies each had a different understanding and all were wrong. I hear one confused Pharmacist saying to those taking his call, and others. He said to each one "I was in the Navy and I don't understand".. so after paying full price I said to him_ I can tell you were/ are confused, and after listening to your conversations I understand why_ you were in the Navy.
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Awesome COL Mikel J. Burroughs!!! I can use this for my DAV members... I will send out an email to my members with this link! Thank you for Posting, Mikel!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Will let the Red Cross veterans know
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