Recent Activity -
I am 61 years old and a very proud veteran who served for 21 years, Married to a very wonderful woman, I have 1 son by blood and a step daughter both are from my 1st marriage, Also a stepson and 2 stepdaughters who I claim as mine they are awesome.
Military Experiences
Sep 1976 - Apr 1980
I was assigned to Aco 3/6 in Berlin, moved to CSC 3/6 as scout gunner,driver team leader. I was the only true blue to get my EIB and the only enlisted to get the EIB. Reenlisted went to scout platoon with CSC 2/31st polar bears.
(21 years, 1 month) 1996 - May 1997
1/16 Inf Fort Riley KS
Was reasigned to 1st ID 1/16th Inf was assigned to Aco 1/16th went to NTC and in Apr 97 i started clearing and retired on May 1 1997
1994 - 1995

Saudi Arabia
I was assigned to Tubuck and i wasn't a master gunner but it was our mission to ensure that they did all gunnery tables. Teach them PMCS on thier tracks(Bradleys) this is also where i learn how to scuba dive and play darts, and golf in the desert Was an awesome tour.
1992 - 1994
1st ID 2/16th Inf Fort Riley Ks
Was assigned to 2/16th Inf And was a platoon sergeant than I went to BN HQS and was the ops sgt and that's when I had a choice to go to Sadia Arabia or Korea so I chose Saudia Arabia as an instructor to their national guard soldiers
1990 - 1992
Germany Aburg
Reenlisted again and went back to Germany this was of hardest times PCSing I had concurrent travel and was assigned to 1 ID in Stuggrant when we arrived I was informed they were closing down , so my wife and kids went back to Berlin and I went back to 21 replacement center I was assigned to 1/7 Inf in Aburg this is the unit I went to war with.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
BNCO Germany
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Small &Large instructor course
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information