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Responses: 3
CWO4 Terrence Clark
Personally, I welcome her questioning every study that crosses her desk. I just want to see her documented, peer reviewed counter arguments in each case. 1LT Vance Titus SFC (Join to see)
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This is exactly my problem with the CDC, and others. They’ve had more than enough time to crunch the numbers and formulate what’s good and what’s bad and in many of the cases they have chosen not to perform through evaluations and one can base recommendations on. Sometimes they just fall back on bad work to justify the control measures the Progressives crave. Like the DOJ, FBI, and CIA their credibility is all gone. The CDC needs to clean house from the top down to officials that are still willing to perform their work properly and not allow themselves to be used as a political weapon.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
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SFC (Join to see) We have a GINORMOUS control group for vaccines, masks, and just about everything else. Africa.

Not by design or intent, but rather by poverty, Africa has had virtually no interventions. And they same to be doing as good as any of the rest of us. Better than many.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SFC Casey O'Mally - This is true but if our government bureaucracies will not perform the scientifically correct evaluations that people of medicine can base protocols for care on… what can they do? These bureaucracies need to start doing their jobs and doing them correctly. This equals a leadership cleaning house in my book. The current leadership has proven over the last 3 years they cannot or will not do their jobs correctly, plain and simple.
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1LT Vance Titus
Control, is that what masks are all about? Some people just like to tell others what to do?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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That's why I say they need to be discharged immediately. Children shouldn't needlessly have their minds screwed around with. Children are the least likely to catch COVID in our society and masking has proven to hinder and otherwise hurt their development. My mother could have run the CDC Organization better and she only had a high school education.
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CPT Richard Trione
Thank you for sharing.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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You're welcome.
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