Posted on Feb 18, 2017
Trump gets what he wants in Florida: Campaign-level adulation
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
At least he conducted his victory tours to his constituents in the USA, rather than foreigners around the globe.
And while he is busy getting his ego fix, we have a Russian spy ship off our coast, Russian warplanes buzzing our ships, and the Russian Army engaging in invasion maneuvers near Eastern Europe. Not to mention the missile testing by North Korea. Getting slaps on the back, and spending his time in a pissing contest with the media is not what we need him doing right now. The campaign is's time to lead.....get to it, Donald!
SSgt Christopher Brose
Jeez, impatient much? He's not even a full month into his presidency! Give him a chance to settle in and at least get his Cabinet in place.
The Russian stuff is nothing. They buzz our stuff all the time -- and whether you like it or not, they have the same right to international airspace and waterways that we do. The North Korean stuff is troubling, but they've been unstable for decades.
The Russian stuff is nothing. They buzz our stuff all the time -- and whether you like it or not, they have the same right to international airspace and waterways that we do. The North Korean stuff is troubling, but they've been unstable for decades.
PO1 John Johnson
For the last time: This is nothing new, except now when Liberal Sycophants try to blow this non-issue out of proportion to try to delegitimize Pres. Trump. Russian Spy Ships have been operating off our coast since the beginning of the Cold War. They were there for Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama that I know of. We do it to them as well. That coupled with the fact that the Russian War/Spy ship was operating in International Waters were they are allowed to be, unless the US decides to declare war on Russia and use one of our Attack Subs that were riding herd on the ship to dump it. For your info, US Territorial Waters extend out 12 miles from our Coast. That's it, plain and simple. I also remember N. Korea testing missiles on Obama's watch as well. Come to think of it, they did it to every US President whether it was Kim Jung-Un or Kim Jung-Il running that shit show they call a Country. I also remember Russia invading the Crimean Peninsula which wasn't that long ago; pretty sure that was Obama's watch as well. So all this hot air being blown as if these issues are something new ain't fooling anybody. How's that line in Egyptian Sand holding up? Trump is leading and it's from the front; exactly where we placed him. You may not like it, but it is what it is.
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