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Responses: 7
LTC David Brown
And they started leaving after the free entertainment was over
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
What is sad and what is happening is that people are jumping on the bandwagon of the first female president and the first African American female president. I wish folks would look at the issues instead of race and gender affirming votes. I am not a Trump fan and I am definitelynot a Kamala fan...I just wish the democratic voting process wasn't subverted...they waited till the last possible moment to throw her in there and just chunk out 40 Million voters voices...and the left screams the right wants to take away democracy??? I was hoping that when Biden dropped out somebody else worth a crap on the dem ticket would have the opportunity to step up...would have loved options instead of getting someone shoved down our throats as a candidate. Reminds me of the attached Carvana commercial.

SFC (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt Marcus Falleaf Cpl Vic Burk SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes LTC Trent Klug SFC John Davis
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - Who is in a fuss about the term African American? No one that I see...what people are in a fuss about is when it is being used as a pawn to get ahead. How about we just drop the German/Irish/African part and just say American...like I have said many times before when you put a discriminator in front of anything it automatically causes division...always has.

Trump - Closed borders, Brought industry back to the US, First time in history we had oil surplus, put people back to work, no inflation...and many more things...he is a jackass but he got things done for everyday Americans.

Harris - Closed borders and as the Border Csar (which she is now distancing herself from) she never visited the border, opened it wide up for God knows who and what to come across, kackled her way through press briefings with word salads, has no foreign policy experience, denied COVID was a thing and refused the shot leading millions astray from it until they took office and then all the sudden it was a thing and she got the jab (bad leadership), leading cancel culture and treating parents like domestic terrorists for standing up for their kids, and under her and Biden...gas prices are up, taxes are up, insurance is up, and interest rates for homes and cars are at an all time high. That is just in the last four years. Not to mention she locked up folks for marijuana possession when she had smoked the devils lettuce herself. She is not a leader and she is being mocked around the world...all you have to do is look at other nations news and Kackles McGee is being put up front and center for her ability to not effectively communicate...is that who we really want as the leader of the free world? Certainly not me.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Your opinion. I disagree.

And the race label will be with us as long as there are such stark differences between us. Using a label like African-American is not what divides us. Prejudice and discrimination against other races are what does. And I see that every day.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
2 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - Your opinion as well...I disagree...monikers drive division...when we stop calling people by their ethnicity then we don't recognize their ethnicity...all I care about is if you have my overwatch while I am reloading and I have yours...don't care about your skin color or what you call yourself...good day.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - In a perfect world you would be correct. All I have to do is walk into Safeway with my wife and I see the the ugly truth.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Going on a lot about nothing here. They just keep talking in circles… they need to be talking about energy and how it affects the economy and inflation. They need to be talking about security st our borders and how we can rid ourselves of all the terrorists and criminals Biden and Harris let in. They need to talk about how their policies will quickly end wars and get our people back… sadly all they have is trash. Good luck to them, they’re going to need it.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
COL Randall C. - Thank You for the correction, however the bottom line is this assassin attempt crap has & must be stopped without further delay. AS ONE CAN UNDERSTAND we, ALL ARE AS wE SHOULD BE VERY UPSET THAT the situation even exist. Obama should rightly so be far away from the White House, no one has ever to my understanding as to why the former president even has come into contact with a different administration. In regard to my understanding the NEWSMAX report stated exactly what I repeated, maybe they reported it in a mistaken manner. To your last comment, & I agree that the socialist news gaggle is against every thing that TRUMP says, & that must stop, also, because the danger does exist that TRUMP supporters show up His rally's packing, their own weapons, & that would be exactly what OBAMA wants! We must understand Obamas words He wanted to change dramatically this nation! Now He has an opportunity!
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
2 mo
SFC (Join to see) - Pasting a portion of a comment I gave about the partisan rhetoric in another post*.

Yes, the rhetoric in this country needs to be taken down a couple of notches.
The majority of these people that do this are not "driven by political comments" someone says. They are driven because they want to blame someone for their problems, hear someone saying a message that resonates with them, and are mentally unbalanced enough to try and take it to the next level. There is a lot that goes into pushing someone like that over the edge, and comments by a politician (even repeated ones) are just one part of the issue.

Are Republicans, Trump, or Conservatives at fault for the actions of Craig Robertson? No.
Are Democrats, Sanders, or Liberals at fault for the actions of James Hodgkinson*? No.

Who is responsible? For many that are reading this, look in a mirror. The level of partisan demonization of "the other side" is off the charts. I see DOZENS of posts each day that are not to inform others about something that occurred, discuss issues with a view towards a resolution or any other motive other than denigrate “their political enemy”.

While many will attack “the other side” because of a policy they don’t like, the more extreme of our community will show blatant political bigotry* in anything (and everything) “the other side” does. ALL _____________ are liars, cheats, and vile human beings. How anyone could vote for ___________ is a wonder because is just shows how stupid or immoral they are.
* https://www.rallypoint.com/shared-links/trump-gets-unwelcome-surprise-at-kamala-s-rally?urlhash=8830171
* James Hodgkinson is the Sander’s supporter who committed a mass-shooting against the Republican team that was practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball game. https://www.secretservice.gov/sites/default/files/reports/2020-06/Hodgkinson.pdf
* Political Bigotry - https://www.rallypoint.com/status-updates/8176102
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
COL Randall C. - I understand. Sadly, the fever pitch that Biden and now Harris, along with other Democrats, say Trump is literally a danger to our Democracy (meaning Country) make many folks, especially the older ones who only get their news from the old networks, really believe somehow Trump is going to destroy our nation. My wife helps take care of some “older folks” (that’s rich coming from us because we’re pushing 70) who sit in their living rooms watching this crap all day and literally get very angry over it. She’s had to leave some because of how poisonous it is, she tells them she has scheduling conflicts. It truly is sad.

One of the biggest things is we need to stop the practice of allowing Congress members to lie on the Congress Floor directly to the American People. When they tell a falsehood to the public they need to be immediately censored AND stripped of any position of responsibility in Congress. This would go a long way in establishing order in our society again. Probably the worst case I ever personally witnessed was Adam Schiff saying from the floor of Congress that he personally saw evidence of Trump working with Russia besides what was contained dossier that HRC paid for. We still have some members who actually believe this crap. All the reports from whistleblowers we hear saying how political the DOJ and FBI have become… well I can go on, but I won’t. Thanks for trying to dial it down a notch sir. Sadly, I don’t believe we’re going to see it happen until we address some of the root causes I mentioned.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
2 mo
SFC (Join to see) - Speaking to the core of your comments, I do agree with your main points:
• Many (not just Democrats) believe what they are told by what they see in the media, and unfortunately that comment does apply more on the older population. For some, it's denial of the current state and they harken back to the days when they could trust that the information they were being given was accurate. For a vast amount of others, its validation and the warm fuzzy that comes from hearing an interpretation that aligns with their view.

Much of the extreme partisanship in the news occurred with the advent of cable news. At first it started out with "accurate news 24/7" but as competition increased, it became more and more 'entertainment' oriented and biased in presentation to appeal to a certain audience segment.

• Regarding the ability for politicians to outright lie in Congress - as you stated, the only recourse is a political solution because the speech or debate clause gives those politicians very broad immunity to any other action. However, just as with almost all political solutions, it's going to be partisan (just like the "terrorists/freedom fighters" saying, one partisan's lie is another partisan's truth) in implementation.

I don't disagree with your view that "lying" politicians are one of the main problems with the divisiveness. I put lying in quotes because while many do not outright lie, they color the facts heavily by distorting context and only telling the circumstances around that fact that most favorably align with their views.

What would be the most surefire method though? Information consumers that have a critical view of the information they receive. With a few exceptions, the information you consume will have a bias attached to it, but recognizing that bias is the problem for most individuals.

While I watch the occasional partisan programming, I KNOW I am not getting the complete picture, so in parallel I am usually fact checking what I'm being told. Mainly I stick to things like ground.news and allsides.com to get my news so that I can see different perspectives on the information. By and large, if the biased sources on the left and the biased sources on the right agree with something, I usually will accept that it is objectively accurate.

However, most won't go through the extra time and effort this requires and will settle for what fits their ideology.
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