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Responses: 9
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
That’s because they have to sign a waiver to enter
SSgt William Quinn
SSgt William Quinn
5 y
MAJ James Woods - Cover up? It's all out in the open and up front for anyone to decide. I'm truly sorry you are living in such fear over this.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
5 y
SSgt William Quinn - Legal cover up as in CYA: cover your ass legal procedure. I know your mindset went straight to "Conspiracy Ville" cause you're used to the right wing media sphere but there was nothing cryptic at all in my points. You don't publicly tell people their health isn't at risk then ask them to waive liability should they fall ill. That's the real fear and the Trump campaign is swimming in it. Not like they would make people sign this waiver if it was regular flu season. But whatever.
SSgt William Quinn
SSgt William Quinn
5 y
MAJ James Woods - Please tell me who the trump campaign has out their pointing guns at people and forcing them to attend the rally? Who is forced to go to WalMart? Riot? Restaurant? Mall? Beach? Park? No one is being forced but your selective outrage is noted.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
5 y
SSgt William Quinn - So strawman argument. There is a health crisis. The individual, employer, organization, business, and political leaders all have equal responsibility to set conditions that emphasize safety and mitigates risk. Asking thousands of people to cram into an indoor arena with a 19K max. capacity seems like one is advocating that responsibility to support public health official's guidance. If this line of thinking is unacceptable to you then lets just leave it there. I'm not going to waste MSgt Bischoff's time anymore.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
I would say that is correct, if anyone wishes to attend a rally, a protest or anything that requires large gatherings under the current circumstances you do so at your own risk, which is that persons right if they wish to take the risk. Most healthy people are at little risk to begin with, I just think we did a bad job of taking care of those who were the most vulnerable.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 Tony Holland Irresponsibility is Trump's Middle Name.
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