Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 19
What action has President Trump taken against the press? Who was "shot in the back of the head or banished to the vast system of labor camps[?]"
Got melodrama?
Got melodrama?
Maj John Bell
SPC Martin Wiesiolek - As I said, I went after low hanging fruit that was quick and easy. The point is that journalists are quick to report anything bad, with no independent verification, a journalist 101 "NO-NO."
"Equally important, every single item you cited was corrected by the very same company as soon as it became obvious that they've made a mistake." Really, when and where?
_Miller only apologized when presented with (video) proof by the White House Press Secretary that he was full of it, AFTER AP rolled out the information quoting Miller as the source. Time magazine never addressed the issue. AP never published a correction.
_Scarborough made the assertions on-air. He never issued a retraction on air. He only admitted that he had NOT done due diligence when confronted by a different news agency, the BBC. Scarborough's admission was not a correction, it was an effort to get the BBC to "let it go." MSNBC never addressed the issue.
_Tapper never corrected his false assertion. CNN never addressed the issue. C-Span did
The Atlantic never corrected its false report. FoxNews did after other news outlets used the Atlantic article as proof of President Trump's venal "shenanigans."
Go ahead prove me wrong.
Time Magazine, MSNBC, CNN and the Atlantic are not fringe media.
I fully admit that I cannot chronicle all of the medias deliberate and knowing misleading and false information. I have a farm to run, a life to live and limited resources. But the fact that I can run down a few examples in a few minutes only lends credence to my argument.
I freely admit that President Trump lies and misleads and misinforms, deliberately and knowingly. That is what politicians do. ALL OF THEM!!!. You are complaining because water is wet. They start out well-intentioned but sooner or later it ceases to be about us and the future of our nation. It becomes about maintaining power. We only receive the largess of their power, because with out some benefit we will eventually throw the bastards out, (except both coasts and some major metropolitan areas whose gullibility evidently knows no bounds.)
The Press is either our (the people's) sword and shield or they are the willing accomplices of people (on either side) who should not be trusted without verification. What I expect is that a free press will do one of two things:
1) Report honestly without deliberately and knowingly misleading and misinforming.
2) Openly label reports as rife with editorial bias.
Otherwise, we the people are left to find the nuggets of truth in truck loads of compost.
I know you want to digress. But your very first assertion was about the "harm" President Trump was doing by labeling the "journalists" of deliberately and knowingly misinforming and misleading the people. Now you want to talk about anything else. So... once again.... are you going to answer my questions?
1) Yes or no? If a journalist knowingly and deliberately misinforms or misleads his audience, on national issues, is he a "friend of the people?"
2) Beside rhetoric, what action has President Trump used to bring the police powers of the state to bear on the news media?
3) What actual harm has any member of the press received at President Trump's hand or at the hand of an administrative official?
"Equally important, every single item you cited was corrected by the very same company as soon as it became obvious that they've made a mistake." Really, when and where?
_Miller only apologized when presented with (video) proof by the White House Press Secretary that he was full of it, AFTER AP rolled out the information quoting Miller as the source. Time magazine never addressed the issue. AP never published a correction.
_Scarborough made the assertions on-air. He never issued a retraction on air. He only admitted that he had NOT done due diligence when confronted by a different news agency, the BBC. Scarborough's admission was not a correction, it was an effort to get the BBC to "let it go." MSNBC never addressed the issue.
_Tapper never corrected his false assertion. CNN never addressed the issue. C-Span did
The Atlantic never corrected its false report. FoxNews did after other news outlets used the Atlantic article as proof of President Trump's venal "shenanigans."
Go ahead prove me wrong.
Time Magazine, MSNBC, CNN and the Atlantic are not fringe media.
I fully admit that I cannot chronicle all of the medias deliberate and knowing misleading and false information. I have a farm to run, a life to live and limited resources. But the fact that I can run down a few examples in a few minutes only lends credence to my argument.
I freely admit that President Trump lies and misleads and misinforms, deliberately and knowingly. That is what politicians do. ALL OF THEM!!!. You are complaining because water is wet. They start out well-intentioned but sooner or later it ceases to be about us and the future of our nation. It becomes about maintaining power. We only receive the largess of their power, because with out some benefit we will eventually throw the bastards out, (except both coasts and some major metropolitan areas whose gullibility evidently knows no bounds.)
The Press is either our (the people's) sword and shield or they are the willing accomplices of people (on either side) who should not be trusted without verification. What I expect is that a free press will do one of two things:
1) Report honestly without deliberately and knowingly misleading and misinforming.
2) Openly label reports as rife with editorial bias.
Otherwise, we the people are left to find the nuggets of truth in truck loads of compost.
I know you want to digress. But your very first assertion was about the "harm" President Trump was doing by labeling the "journalists" of deliberately and knowingly misinforming and misleading the people. Now you want to talk about anything else. So... once again.... are you going to answer my questions?
1) Yes or no? If a journalist knowingly and deliberately misinforms or misleads his audience, on national issues, is he a "friend of the people?"
2) Beside rhetoric, what action has President Trump used to bring the police powers of the state to bear on the news media?
3) What actual harm has any member of the press received at President Trump's hand or at the hand of an administrative official?
Maj John Bell
So just to clarify:
1) A free press that deliberately and knowingly misleads and misinforms the people is not an inimical the interests of the people?
2) You have no evidence of your assertion "Equally important, every single item you cited was corrected by the very same company as soon as it became obvious that they've made a mistake." And your only counter point is a general attack on Fox News, without any evidence to the very specific false allegations by The Atlantic and a very general attack on Fox News credibility. In fact not a single one of the examples I cited was "corrected by the very same company as soon as it became obvious." And certainly not in the same public forum where the made the assertion.
How sincere am I if I tell a million people some is a criminal and I tell one person that I was wrong?
3) Despots from Ankara to Moscow, Beijing to Baghdad, have never looked to the US or its elected leaders on how to treat a free press within their sphere of control.
4) The press is not quaking in its boots, and it is not intimidated by Trump
I know what a free press is. What are your examples where it is controlled or restricted by government censorship in political or ideological matters? Our press is its own worst enemy. Since it will not police itself inevitably someone else will. In the US that will never be an elected official, it will be their customers.
Reports of CNN shutting down are BS, but there is no BS that their viewership has declined somewhere between 20%-30% depending on who you ask and what period they are talking about. However, a recent poll conducted by Monmouth University found that despite a general consensus that even traditional media outlets engage in some so-called “fake news” reporting, roughly half of Americans say they still trust CNN more than Trump as an information source. Furthermore despite a decline in viewership CNN posted their second best 1st Quarter earnings in 10 years in 2018. The political elite are willing to keep infusing CNN with cash. The opposition press is in no dire danger.
"the mass marketing by the President and the White House that the press is the enemy is dangerous to our democracy. " Well, lets start with this
Mass Marketing -An attempt to appeal to an entire market with one basic marketing strategy utilizing mass distribution and mass media. Also called undifferentiated marketing.
This discussion has been about the "Danger" President Trump poses to the press. Who has aired the President's "the enemy of the people" comment, ... THE PRESS. They are the carriers of the so-called mass marketing. So if any one has a gun to the press' head, its the press.
1) A free press that deliberately and knowingly misleads and misinforms the people is not an inimical the interests of the people?
2) You have no evidence of your assertion "Equally important, every single item you cited was corrected by the very same company as soon as it became obvious that they've made a mistake." And your only counter point is a general attack on Fox News, without any evidence to the very specific false allegations by The Atlantic and a very general attack on Fox News credibility. In fact not a single one of the examples I cited was "corrected by the very same company as soon as it became obvious." And certainly not in the same public forum where the made the assertion.
How sincere am I if I tell a million people some is a criminal and I tell one person that I was wrong?
3) Despots from Ankara to Moscow, Beijing to Baghdad, have never looked to the US or its elected leaders on how to treat a free press within their sphere of control.
4) The press is not quaking in its boots, and it is not intimidated by Trump
I know what a free press is. What are your examples where it is controlled or restricted by government censorship in political or ideological matters? Our press is its own worst enemy. Since it will not police itself inevitably someone else will. In the US that will never be an elected official, it will be their customers.
Reports of CNN shutting down are BS, but there is no BS that their viewership has declined somewhere between 20%-30% depending on who you ask and what period they are talking about. However, a recent poll conducted by Monmouth University found that despite a general consensus that even traditional media outlets engage in some so-called “fake news” reporting, roughly half of Americans say they still trust CNN more than Trump as an information source. Furthermore despite a decline in viewership CNN posted their second best 1st Quarter earnings in 10 years in 2018. The political elite are willing to keep infusing CNN with cash. The opposition press is in no dire danger.
"the mass marketing by the President and the White House that the press is the enemy is dangerous to our democracy. " Well, lets start with this
Mass Marketing -An attempt to appeal to an entire market with one basic marketing strategy utilizing mass distribution and mass media. Also called undifferentiated marketing.
This discussion has been about the "Danger" President Trump poses to the press. Who has aired the President's "the enemy of the people" comment, ... THE PRESS. They are the carriers of the so-called mass marketing. So if any one has a gun to the press' head, its the press.
Maj John Bell
SPC Martin Wiesiolek - This is the kind of stuff you should worry about stifling the press. Please note the date.

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal From Times Reporter Over Refusal to Identify Source
The order gave no reasons for the decision but effectively sided with the government in a case involving James Risen of The New York Times, who has said he has no intention of complying with the subpoena.
Maj John Bell
SPC Martin Wiesiolek - It was a joke, an untimely one; indicative of President Trump's lack of decorum, but it was a joke. Are you going to tell me you've never made an inappropriate quip? Yes I know you're not the President. I've never once indicated that President Trump isn't ill-disciplined. To a large degree, that is the reason many voted for him.
"Wholesale assault on the press" is a gross overstatement. You've left very little room for characterizing the use of police powers against the press.
"Wholesale assault on the press" is a gross overstatement. You've left very little room for characterizing the use of police powers against the press.
Hyperbole can be an effective tool of propaganda when used judiciously. It can also be effective in creating humor. This article attempted the first goal, missed, and ended in the second. I'll be snickering over it for the rest of the day
CPT Jack Durish
LTC (Join to see) - Why would the alt-Right burn it? (And please define "alt-right". And how did "Nazis" end up on the Right? All forms of socialism are fundamental to the Left. Left is top down government and Right is bottom up.)
LTC (Join to see)
Okay, I'm referring to those who do the Hitler salute and say Heil Trump. I am conservative than you know my points of view. I'm the only bee socialist and the healthcare sector because the health-care here Works after my wife spent three weeks in the Intensive Care Unit and my taxes covered her surgery for her aneurysm at age 39 and they use for metal medicine to stop or mitigate the chances of a spasm afterwards. I also am a union man but I don't have state protection for garden Reserve here in Canada. Aside from single-payer medicine and being a union man, I'm very conservative. I would say David Duke, KKK and those who deny the Holocaust and who are white power advocates.
CPT Jack Durish
LTC (Join to see) - Most of today's "American Nazi's" really aren't Nazis. They're just KKK dressed up in different garb. They like the trappings of Hitler's Nazis as well as their tactics, but they aren't necessarily socialists. They're neither Left nor Right, just goons, bigots, and bullies. All forms of socialism, and the Nazis were national socialists, are founded in the ideology of the Left.
LTC (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish yes, Jack, that's why I see that the anti-fascist are actually fascist idiots. I almost think they stay up all night, sleep all day listen to Rage Against the Machine and feel sorry for themselves and some of them don't work but they have to be against somebody and join a bunch of other Anarchist who have mental issues and Hate Everything. They probably get welfare money but they're not willing to go look for a job. But they have money for cigarettes and drugs.
The enemy of the people are the idiots who can't support the office of the presidency. There were many of us who didn't support the policies of the previous two presidents, but we supported the office. The level of vitriol today for the current potus is off the rails.
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