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Responses: 7
Lt Col Charlie Brown
SGT (Join to see) the VA has not been fair or responsive to those who were exposed to Agent Orange. Keep fighting, write your congressman. Maybe with the new person in charge things will change for the better. I certainly hope so.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown, Yes Ma’am. I will, and maybe things will get better. I’ll bet the decision for my type of AO isn’t even known by those above the VA.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the great share Keith, have a great evening brother.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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You’re welcome brother, you too.
SPC Jeffrey Swanson
SPC Jeffrey Swanson
5 y
Right on Cowboy
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SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Keith Bodine - Are you aware of the “Million Veterans “ program that the VA put out a few years ago.? Basically it’s a physical and interview concerning your exposure, mainly concerned with data received,but it does put you in awareness program ,I do receive a newsletter periodically,of course like you they contend no bad things have happened to me due to my exposure to Agent Orange,claim my little bout with bladder cancer is environmental in nature,yeah the environment of Vietnam fifty years ago,thinking of good thoughts for you,Phil,
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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Yes, I was one of the first ones to sign up for it at the VA. It sounded like a good program, but a lot of guys wouldn’t do it because they don’t trust the government. I think they’re still trying to get volunteers for the program. So sorry about your cancer and how the VA treated you. They have outdated policies and are cowards. Prayers for you Phil. Thanks.
1LT Vance Titus
1LT Vance Titus
>1 y
I signed up for it and took the paper survey but wasn't able to attend the in-person interview because it was in a distant location. They had no plans to have satellite interview sites anywhere near me so I was told, 'sorry, yor're out."'
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Philip Roncari
>1 y
1LT Vance Titus - I was close to a local VA hospital and even with that it took a couple of jumping through hoops and bureaucratic bullshit before I did the process, so much for making these programs accessible,sorry to hear about your difficulties sir, good luck.
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