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Responses: 10
CPT Jack Durish
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
7 y
Yep and then its move onto the next emotionally driven false narrative until its just a repetitive empty action. These drama queens will make sure Trump gets another Term and they don't get it.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 7 y ago
The final form of the bill has not even been decided yet. However, tax cuts historically have run counter to the assertions made above. Tax cuts in the 1980's produced a deficit only because the Democrats controlling the Congress failed to pass the corresponding spending cuts that went with them as was promised with the passage of the tax cut legislation. Overall tax cuts did increase the number of Americans above the poverty line.

California which is one of the highest taxed states in the country leads the Country in the amount of Children living in poverty, currently at 27% of the total California population of children, New York is not far behind at 20%. Believe it or not the deep South States of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana take far better of their poor and trail behind California and New York state. It does show you though that there isn't much relation to taxation rates to who lives in poverty. It's more what states spend on combating poverty.

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Maj John Bell
Good!!! I hope they do chop Social Security and Medicare, or make participation voluntary. My retirement portfolio will pay me 50% more than my social security on the same percentage of my pre-tax paycheck. I would have been living entirely off my retirement portfolio at for the last 9 years if I could have managed the money that went into social security. As an earner, I find the Federal government is really good at taking my money away, and absolutely horrible at giving any back. I don't need or want the nanny state to take care of me or mine.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
7 y
If you are in the wagon, you have nothing to complain about except for what handout you may lose. The rest of us continue living with what ever the politicians deem necessary to keep us like sheep. There are many more programs that should be cut or reformed, in order for our nation to exist in the future.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
I think it SHOULD be voluntary. Let people opt in/out once they start working. If they change their mind later they have to buy in by making up contributions. Would require clean bill of health also. If they later decide to opt out, reimburse money paid in with interest. Limit the number of times to opt in/out to once. People could invest their own money and if they go insolvent, oh well. It's better than paying in for forty years and having the program go insolvent. I don't support privatization at all, because we have already seen how irresponsible the financial market can be i.e. $800 billion bailout.
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