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Responses: 7
LTC Owner
The following is from an email I received regarding the latest church shooting:

Devin Patrick Kelly, an atheist who was court-martialed (in 2012) and given a Bad Conduct discharge from the Air Force (in 2014), walked into a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, during Sunday services and proceeded to kill 26 worshipers, while wounding many others.

It is reported that a neighbor, hearing the gunfire at the church, chased him away with a rifle, whereupon the neighbor and another man chased after him in a high speed auto chase, until Kelly lost control of his vehicle. The neighbor who fired on Kelly with his rifle caused Kelly to run, saving many lives. He is a hero, and an example of what an armed citizenry must be prepared to do when confronted with evil.

Apparently no one inside the church was armed, else the death toll would have been far lower.

Some would call Devin Patrick Kelly sick. I call him evil. His youngest victim was 5 years old, and his oldest victim was 72. One of the women he shot was pregnant.
Will it happen again? Possibly, and for that reason, we the people must always be ready to confront the evil that exists.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
The idea that he was a atheist is simply a unfounded and dimwitted lie, tell the idiot who sent you the letter.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
7 y
Many churches have armed security, albeit surreptitiously so.
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SPC Douglas Bolton
Capt Dwayne Conyers We have plain cloths retired state troopers at all of our services. Not paid. They are members.
MSG Andrew White
MSG Andrew White
7 y
SSG Michael Eastes
SSG Michael Eastes
7 y
Our church security team is made up of current and retired law enforcement officers as well as former military types. We are not paid. We are prepared for medical emergencies and other situations, up to and including an active shooter scenario. Self defense, as well as defense of others, is hardly un-Christian.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Capt Dwayne Conyers Kinda Counter to Christian Teaching and Beliefs. Yeah I'm Going to Church to Worship a God Who Gave Up His Mortal Life For Mine Armed to Kill Someone! If You Have to Go to Church Armed, You Have Failed Completely I Believe! Yeah and I'm a Security Professional.
MAJ Don Bigger
MAJ Don Bigger
7 y
If I have to go to church armed, society has failed completely.

And if society can’t protect me, then someone else has to. That someone might as well be me.

And protecting myself and family is hardly counter to Christian teachings and beliefs.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
7 y
MAJ Don Bigger - You had me at the First Sentence but the Second and Third? Kinda Run Counter to Everything this "Social Justice" Catholic was Ever Taught. You can Bust My Chops for all the Evil that I did as a Navy Spook but I'm German American Catholic, Very Clinical in My Interpretations of About Everything (Might Have Something to being "Asperger's") If You Have to Defend Yourself in "God's" House, Faith? I Know, I'm Being a Harsh Kraut Asshole Again!
MAJ Don Bigger
MAJ Don Bigger
7 y
Not sure what being a spook has to do with anything—I don’t care what you did.

But I do wonder how The Rev. Kenneth Walker might respond (if he could) to the implication that he was shot at church because he lacked faith. Or the Rev. Joseph Terra.

And how would Pope John Paul II have addressed it?

My sense of the matter is that we both understand that bad things happen to people of faith. It has been said that faith in Jesus Christ does not guarantee a good life, but a perfect eternity.

Even the Pope, with his faith, also has armed security.

Of course, I may have misunderstood the point of your post. If so, mea culpa.
MSgt George Cater
MSgt George Cater
7 y
These mass shooter types, like actual terrorists, always seek target rich ‘gun free zones ‘ to increase success and reduce the likelihood of effective response. Self defense is a self evident right enshrined in our Second Amendment. Why is it any less true inside a church? The actual building being a ‘house of God’ is irrelevant to the argument as a church is any gathering of worshippers and may happen anywhere, including outdoors.
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