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Responses: 8
SSG Environmental Specialist
Stupid thing is all Biden has to do is his job and enforce the laws on the books right now.
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SPC Lyle Montgomery
This whole political mess is a nightmare. I do support Ukraine and Israel, but we do need to stop the inflow of illegal imigrants on our boarders, especially the southern boarder. and we need to monitor how money going to Ukraine and Israel is being used. I don't want to see a dime of US funds going to support the palestinians in any way. they are terrorists plain and simple as they proved on their unprovoked attack on civilians in Israel. We don't need to support terrorists.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
It is called compromise. That is what founded this nation and kept us united all these years. When compromise ends, so does the USA.
LTC Self Employed
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7 mo
SSG Paul Endes The good thing is the house will kill it. Because this bill will codify bad behavior permanently.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
7 mo
SSG Paul Endes - By the Republicans?
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
7 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison Ooh, sanctions...dod he send a strongly worded letter too?
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
7 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - That's not even realistic. Putin can't run rough shot through Ukraine. He may still win dispite the over 75 Billion the US only has given Ukraine to date. But, afterwards Russia nor its military will be in any shape to go any further, economically or militarily. Add to that the problems of rebuilding, ruling/Governing, and maintaining a satellite government/state in Ukraine. It'll be worse than "Nation Building." Much less Putin can't run rough shot through every country between Ukraine and Western Europe, before even engaging in Western Europe. He's gone as far as he can go. Europe is in no danger. You're 1939 analogy/comparison doesn't fit or work. Desire does not equal ability. Please try a more realistic example.
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