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Responses: 6
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
My first thought is maybe a person that shouldn't be charged especially as NCIS Investigations appear not to support the charges and they state that vry clearly . I certainly have no way of knowing but am bothered by the fact many that never should have been charged in other instance were. There seems to be an increasing number of Military people thrown to the wolves by those above them in their own chain of command with justification. Is that the case here,? I don't know. I guess We will just have to watch and see what progresses .
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MCPO Roger Collins
Way to much emphasis on the age to gain sympathy, he was an ISIS killer. It seems to me that this case was adjudicated, and reinitiated for some reason. If it goes forward again, his “jury” should be comprised of his peers. That would be front line, experienced SEAL team members.

CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
6 y
MCPO Roger Collins 100% agree "jury" of his peers would include SEALS, Army Rangers, DELTA FORCE, US Marine Force Recon and USAF PJs. In this way, a Courts-Martial board with 8 Enlisted (2 Seals, 2 Army Ranger, 2 Force Recon and 2 USAF PJs; plus, 1 Special Ops Officer from each service between O4 and O5. Such a combination, at least in my mind makes sense on so many levels. Also, ALL should have at least 12 years in the SPEC OPS community.

Of course those learned in the law may disagree, but this would a clear message to all branches and the chain of command. Of course if I wrote presiding JAGMAN judge I would deliberately make an E9 (SpecOps) type the designated Senior Member of the Board vs an Officer. (To my officer friends here on RP - no disrespect intended, and I hope none taken. Simply, put I remember the LT William Callie (Vietnam era) incident, I am still not sure Callie was culpable, based on what and how that case was presented and adjudicated. I still believe Callie was left to out dry, when others needed to be held more publicly accountable.

Of course, if there is UNDENIABLE "EVIDENCE (FACTS not HERE-SAY)" and such PROVABLE FACTS (i.e. with pictures, voice recordings, 100% witness corroboration) are so clear that a blind person could recognize the same, then he should be found guilty, otherwise - NO!

Just say'n!

NOTE: I am NOT of the SPECOPS community, but the above is shared because of dear friends who were members of that community include the BMC (SEAL) Boatswain Mate who piped my retirement in 1996. This also includes a USMC FMF Corpsman that survived the Beirut Bombing who went on later to become a SEAL. Even though I am NOT of that community I have and always will respect the skill, MENTAL toughness and PHYSICAL durability these silent HEROES (quiet WARRIORS) possess.

COL Mikel J. Burroughs; Maj Marty Hogan; SMSGT Gerald "Doc" Thomas; SCPO Morris Ramsey; Lt Col Charlie Brown; LTC (Join to see); Maj William "Bill" Price; LTC Stephen C.; LTC Stephen F.; CMSgt (Join to see); MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi; SSG Carlos Madden; SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth; MSgt Paul Connors (Publishing)
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
6 y
Additionally, why is the UN Security Council mute on the WAR CRIMES (aka "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY") of the Syrian President Assad's involving his use of chemical weapons, especially against children: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-45586903.

Seriously, WTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COL Mikel Burroughs; Capt Marty Hogan; SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas; SCPO Morris Ramsey; Lt Col Charlie Brown; LTC Stephen Conway; Maj William W. 'Bill' Price; LTC Stephen Curlee; LTC Stephen Ford; CMSgt Mark Parrish; MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi; SSG Carlos Madden; SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth; MSgt Paul Connors
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
This is beginning to look like a CYA effort from those up the chain. I do hope that the truth comes out and is what the decisions are based on.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
6 y
That is exactly what i was thinking, maybe I'm wrong but far too often that seems to be the case and its nothing new from some up the upper echelon to charge ahead and do things like that without justification. Something come up, don't face the issue just blame someone under You in the chain of command. This seems to happen so often that right away the upper General's and Admirals become suspect especially while it wasn't even suggested from elsewhere.
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
6 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - Agree with both of you! Saw, and at times, experience way too much CYA.
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