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Responses: 12
LTC Self Employed
Politicians worldwide virtue signal for us to fly less, Drive less and spend thousands of dollars to put in solar panels and transition to clean energy when they continue to fly the globe and show off and meet at Davos switzerland, Japan and now at a resort in Egypt and brag on how much they're helping the world. Now they want to pay billions of dollars to third world countries to convert to clean energy which will mean more taxes on the every person. 5 years ago, Jane Fonda Flew Over the oil sands of alberta. This has the same kind of oil that Venezuela has and this is the kind of oil that president Mr Magoo Biden wants to buy from venezuela. It is high in Sulfur and hard to refine and it pollutes quite a bit but he won't buy it from Canada as much but he sure will buy it from Venezuela and then ship it by super tanker. The super tanker is not an electric super tanker it uses very low grade bunker oil and pollutes quite a bit.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen LTC Trent Klug MSG Stan Hutchison SPC Edward Vidmar
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
2 y
LTC Trent Klug Problem is whether it's change or a normal cycle, climate is having an impact on our day to day lives. Things need to be done to mitigate that impact, but those who view it as a scheme to make money only make things worse.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - It will not work. See Dr. Judith Curry's video. Too many variables and the decisison to focus on CO2 was made 15 years ago that the sciences is stuck on C02 only. Her anaology is the drunk man at night looking for his keys and the street light. He only wants to look where the light is for his keys and not where it is dark and where the answer is. flawed and today's scientist do not accept minority opinions so I call it the Church of the Green New Deal. 16 min video. some slides and not boring.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM Sgt (Join to see) MSG Stan Hutchison SPC Edward Vidmar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2Bw52FjYi4
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Climate has had an impact since the first hominid stood upright.

So you're okay with going all electric, even though our energy grid won't be able to support it, the electricity to charge the batteries is currently almost 60% provided by fossil fuels, and there isn't enough of the minerals have to be mined from the Earth to make the batteries?

When will China and India be forced to live under the near draconian rules we are going to be living under? Why is it, your side always give them a pass?
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
2 y
LTC Trent Klug Not giving anyone a pass just looking at reality. Yes today's energy grid won't support all electric but we're talking 20 years down the road before we see all electric and infrastructures are being changed to accommodate that. 120 years ago there were more stables than gas stations in the country. As with any emerging technology, how batteries are currently made doesn't mean there aren't different sources of materials that can be used to manufacture them. That is another ongoing technology area of advancement that is in progress.
Look I'm no EV advocate, current ones don't live up to anything I'd want. But badmouthing moving in that direction is just plain stupid. We have to look to the future, not live in the present, or in some cases the past.
Frankly I don't care what conditions China and India have to live under, world pressure will force them to change but as with any almost third world country, they'll be at the end of the list.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
She was not fired.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
Capt Gregory Prickett Right...

And just for the record, you and your buddies on here have the very same views as to what are facts as you see them regarding a certain former president.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - -
ROFL, nice try, I voted in the mid-terms just last week.
Liberal California sent me at least 3 emails and 2 mail-in ballots. You like being an idiot not just on TV.

I am in a similar category as US service people. Are you stupid? Just because you have a Juris Doctorate and years of law experience does not mean you have walked in my moccasins.

I voted in 2020 and 2022. You now know Americans can vote from Abroad if the local registrar validates you from your last voting precinct in California. Maybe it is different where you live but I have skin in the game. I do not vote in Canadian elections.

Where do you come up with this stupid assumption that living abroad makes me not count? Now don't foxtrot with anyone else in the future because you don't know JACK SIERRA!!

I receive a pension from the USG for service and 3 overseas stripes for OIF and OEF. Did you ask me if I support January 6th? No, you need to brush up on your Critical thinking skills. I sure as hell do not like January 6th nor do I like Antifa (closet fascists), BLM aka Black Lying Marxists. The Proud Boys or any other idiots were wrong to storm the capitol building. Dennis Prager says Merry Christmas and he was correct about the leftist globalist Democrats of 4 years ago. He testified at Congress about how his pages were being censored.

How did the red wave work out? It worked out. The Democrats scared Americans but only to a certain extent. I am not crying. We won in the House. Biden has a MINORITY GOVERNMENT in the House. 218 is 218.

The House is Red after January 3rd. Subpoena power and chairmanships forthcoming. Praeger people did not riot all through from late May through December 31st of 2020, nor did they destroy, loot, burn, defund police, destroy cop cars or kill cops, shoot fireworks at Federal Officers guarding a courthouse in Portland, or ask for reparations for slavery (no slaves Civil War slaves alive anymore since the 1960s) and Prager followers are peaceful. His movie No Safe Spaces is true and reflects the cancel culture of today.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM Maj William W. 'Bill' Price LTC Trent Klug Sgt (Join to see) CPL Douglas Chrysler MSG Stan Hutchison
I voted. Now you know to ask questions and to NOT make stupid assumptions.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
2 y
LTC Trent Klug - Which views are those?
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
2 y
LTC (Join to see) - Do you have reading comprehension problems? Or do you just imagine you know what other people are thinking? To answer:

1. I stated that you don't live here, I never said you were prohibited from voting.
2. Antifa/BLM had nothing to do with the insurrection. Those were people who supported Trump.
3. PragerU is still a Christian Nationalist propaganda outlet. Christian Nationalism is incompatible with the United States Constitution.
4. Please show where a governmental agency censored PragerU. That's the only thing that the First Amendment prohibits. It is a right wing socialist policy that would force private property owners to publish speech that they disagree with.
5. You do not or cannot comprehend the difference between riots and an attempted coup/insurrection.
6. Yes, the GOP will control the House, but will be unable to pass any legislation without compromising with the Democratic Senate.
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
She was not fired! She resigned as Speaker of the House of Representatives!
MSG Darold R.
MSG Darold R.
2 y
She had no choice when Republicans won the house!
SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
MSG Darold R.
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