Posted on Sep 21, 2016
Protests grow after police seeking suspect kill different man in Charlotte
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
I'm sick and tired of these protests, too. I'm also sick and tired of the shootings by police that trigger the protests. Over the years, we've given cops more and more non-lethal weapons -- batons, pepper spray, beanbag projectiles, Tasers, etc. -- and yet they still often grab for the gun the moment they're nervous about a person they encounter. Most cops are decent, hardworking people who do their job for the good of the community. What we have to come to grips with is the fact that we have too many cops who are racist, who view entire sections of the community as a threat, who are trigger happy, or who thrive on confrontation. Until we, and police departments, deal with those people in their midst who constitute a threat to the rest of us, the shootings are likely to continue and the protests will continue.
That said, I will add that for protests to be effective, they must be non-violent. Yes, burning things, destroying things and attacking cops will get attention, but it's not the sort of attention that yields positive results.
I will also agree with the posters here calling for all LEOs to wear body cameras. Yes, they're expensive to buy, but they're also a lot less expensive than a multi-million-dollar settlement or jury verdict against a police department. I spent my last ten years before retiring as a criminal defense paralegal. We had countless cases where video footage would have likely settled a case before it ever went to court; sometimes in favor of our client, sometimes in favor of the police. Instead, we get conflicting stories with ambiguous evidence for the jury to sort out. Video recording can not only resolve those questions, but also can reduce unnecessary confrontations when both parties know that what they say is being recorded.
That said, I will add that for protests to be effective, they must be non-violent. Yes, burning things, destroying things and attacking cops will get attention, but it's not the sort of attention that yields positive results.
I will also agree with the posters here calling for all LEOs to wear body cameras. Yes, they're expensive to buy, but they're also a lot less expensive than a multi-million-dollar settlement or jury verdict against a police department. I spent my last ten years before retiring as a criminal defense paralegal. We had countless cases where video footage would have likely settled a case before it ever went to court; sometimes in favor of our client, sometimes in favor of the police. Instead, we get conflicting stories with ambiguous evidence for the jury to sort out. Video recording can not only resolve those questions, but also can reduce unnecessary confrontations when both parties know that what they say is being recorded.
SSG Warren Swan
Man I'm glad I read the whole post. Getting fired up over a post I agree with. One thing I have an issue with is when the call for bodycams go out and the cams come in, they're not on all the time. The second those lights go on, the dash, audio, and bodycams all need to be on, and unable to be turned off by the wearer. There have been a few instances where the cam is there but turned off. If they had to stay on, a lot of the bs goes away when you show all three in sync. Either you'll be a hero or a zero.
Its always sad when police have to kill a man SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser even if he is wrong to begin with. While I have not followed the story very closely SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" it does seem to be the same person. I also think SPC Balthaser summed it up very well. You cant approach a police officer with a gun drawn and then refuse to obey his commands. And as an aside note, it was a black cop who fired the fatal shot.
From the Washington Post, "“The officers gave loud, clear verbal commands,” instructing Scott to drop the weapon, the chief said. “In spite of verbal commands, Mr. Scott exited his vehicle armed with a handgun as the officers continued to yell at him to drop it. He stepped out, posing a threat to the officers” — at which point, Putney said, an officer fired his service weapon, striking 43-year-old Scott, who was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital."
From the Washington Post, "“The officers gave loud, clear verbal commands,” instructing Scott to drop the weapon, the chief said. “In spite of verbal commands, Mr. Scott exited his vehicle armed with a handgun as the officers continued to yell at him to drop it. He stepped out, posing a threat to the officers” — at which point, Putney said, an officer fired his service weapon, striking 43-year-old Scott, who was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital."
Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans? Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evidence of systemic discrimin...
The primary driver in the rioting is the notion that cops are killing blacks at some sort of disproportional rate or are doing so with some sort of malice. Below are a few facts that might make you at least think and maybe so some research of actual crime statistics. They are fully available from the FBI free and on line. Very easy to do unless you are simply a pot stirrer looking for problems where they do not exist.
This doesn't mean there are no bad shootings by LEO's but they are the exception, not the rule. The riots are a monumental waste of time and resources and in too many cases destruction of private and public property.
This doesn't mean there are no bad shootings by LEO's but they are the exception, not the rule. The riots are a monumental waste of time and resources and in too many cases destruction of private and public property.
SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser
That's what I have been pointing out. It's not a race issue, people are making it out to be one... this is a factoid I've been pasting in some people's comments Scott is one of at least 702 people who have been fatally shot by police so far this year, 163 of them black men, according to a Washington Post database tracking fatal officer-involved shootings.

Black man fatally shot by Charlotte police was armed, chief says after night of violent protests
Police say Keith Lamont Scott was carrying a gun. His family says he was unarmed.
LTC (Join to see)

Aren’t more white people than black people killed by police? Yes, but no.
Blacks are shot and killed by police at 2.5 times the rate of whites.
SSG (Join to see)
While I am certain that there are still racist cops out there, I believe most of the difficulties people are having with police stem from living in poor neighborhoods where police are not a part of the communities being policed.
Watch videos of a police shootings, the subjects can be black, white or brown... how often do the police demonstrate by jumping in and providing immediate medical care, that the persons life has value? Now look at how police react when an officer has been shot or injured.
It's clear that for some police officers at least, we are "them" and that other officers are "us". The more stressed a department, the more underfunded a department, the less likely officers are to identify with the citizens they are policing. That's a problem.
Watch videos of a police shootings, the subjects can be black, white or brown... how often do the police demonstrate by jumping in and providing immediate medical care, that the persons life has value? Now look at how police react when an officer has been shot or injured.
It's clear that for some police officers at least, we are "them" and that other officers are "us". The more stressed a department, the more underfunded a department, the less likely officers are to identify with the citizens they are policing. That's a problem.
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