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Responses: 11
LTC Jeff Shearer
SSG Marx that spoiled little fat bastard makes me mad and very concerned. This is a problem we are going to have to deal with, and we need to deal with it on our terms and not wait until we have to deal with it on his terms. I assure you this problem is no going away with attention.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 8 y ago
Wow, the fearless leader of North Korea is at it again, it seems SSgt Robert Marx. Hopefully a modern version of the Stuxnet virus will cripple whatever mass production for manufacturing medium-range missile capability that the Hermit Kingdom has.
Since their manufacturing base is built on a foundation of what amounts to slave labor I expect there are inherent vulnerabilities in quality control - even with threats to family and friends.
Kim Jong Un is running the most totalitarian regime in the world, it seems.
SSgt Robert Marx
SSgt Robert Marx
8 y
I doubt that they have the requisite infrastructure to build missiles at a fast clip. It takes advanced production lines which would not be possible with the sanctions against them, plus the scarcity of food weakens the people. It might be hard to find educated technicians with the required health and soundness of body in todays' North Korea.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
8 y
Stephen, at this point in my life I think being blunt is one of my specialities, example: We need to kill that little SOB and any jackass that thinks he is somewhat loyal. I have no doubt the people of North Korea are good people but he is a tyrant. He is not only a tyrant but he is now spreading his tyrannical wings to the rest of the planet. The problem is the big loser in this is the people of North Korea, no matter how it turns out they will most likely have a grim future.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
8 y
Cynthia thank you, I guess there is a reason I was never appointed as an ambassador to anything/anywhere. I am so glad we have people in positions with a backbone like General(r) Mattis, I am afraid his leadership, and expertise are going to be called into service soon.
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Maj Marty Hogan
By medium range I assume he means half way off the launch pad?
SSgt Robert Marx
SSgt Robert Marx
8 y
Haha, good one Marty! Yeah, the missile must get up into the atmosphere!
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
8 y
If they're that lucky.
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