Posted on Sep 25, 2018
New Rules: High-and-Tights for Sailors Who Serve With Marines
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Not a favored Air Force hair cut although some of our SPs and other guys do like it.
Sgt John Steinmeier
My three assignments we could not wear a High and Tight as noted above by MSgt Dale Johnson as it was considered a "fad." We always pushed the limit though because that wool beret was hot in arid climates.
MSgt George Cater
And if the Air Force, or any individual with leadership authority, considers a traditional, squared-away military haircut as a “fad”, it is indicative of a larger systemic cultural problem in the organization.
MSgt Dale Johnson
CMSgt Virgil Horsley - The Capt. was the OIC of the unit holding the Leadership School
That will get them going, not to many people go for the high and tight.
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