Posted on Apr 7, 2021
Nation of Islam mourns ‘brother’ Noah Green who died while killing Capitol cop
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Did any one commenting actually read the article first? Most of you here love to blame the “media” for misinformation but here is a notorious misinformer capitalizing on political ill will to mislead a story by its headline (where I’m sure most of you stopped reading)
And I quote from the article if you actually read it “ Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said the group is mourning its “brother” who died assaulting Capitol cops last week — saying the cop killer could have been a future “star” for the movement.
In a statement Tuesday, the Nation of Islam confirmed that Noah Green, 25, was studying to become a full member — but blamed “potential mental illness” for him plowing a car into two Capitol cops and then jumping out with a knife on Friday.
The Nation of Islam insisted that Green was in defiance of rules “not to carry any weapons — not so much as a penknife” and that his murders were “against our law.”
“For us, human life is sacred. And the violation of human life is a violation of God, Himself, because He’s the giver of life and He’s the ultimate cause of death,” the statement said.
“We absolutely disavow this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life,” the statement added.
“It is shocking for us to learn that someone who was attempting to be a part of our ranks may have been involved in something as tragic as this.””
End quote.
So they acknowledged he was a member. And he had potential of advancing his studies. However They say he suffered from mental health issues. And should have gotten help. They then condemn his actions and disavow violence. Not exactly what you guys are spinning.
So although I am no supporter of the NOI, nor Obama, or anyone mentioned and incorrectly maligned, reading and comprehension are kind of important before you start hurling criticisms and standing on your political soap boxes. Read. Report correctly. Attempt to be fair and balanced in your knowledge acquisition. I dare you.
And I quote from the article if you actually read it “ Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said the group is mourning its “brother” who died assaulting Capitol cops last week — saying the cop killer could have been a future “star” for the movement.
In a statement Tuesday, the Nation of Islam confirmed that Noah Green, 25, was studying to become a full member — but blamed “potential mental illness” for him plowing a car into two Capitol cops and then jumping out with a knife on Friday.
The Nation of Islam insisted that Green was in defiance of rules “not to carry any weapons — not so much as a penknife” and that his murders were “against our law.”
“For us, human life is sacred. And the violation of human life is a violation of God, Himself, because He’s the giver of life and He’s the ultimate cause of death,” the statement said.
“We absolutely disavow this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life,” the statement added.
“It is shocking for us to learn that someone who was attempting to be a part of our ranks may have been involved in something as tragic as this.””
End quote.
So they acknowledged he was a member. And he had potential of advancing his studies. However They say he suffered from mental health issues. And should have gotten help. They then condemn his actions and disavow violence. Not exactly what you guys are spinning.
So although I am no supporter of the NOI, nor Obama, or anyone mentioned and incorrectly maligned, reading and comprehension are kind of important before you start hurling criticisms and standing on your political soap boxes. Read. Report correctly. Attempt to be fair and balanced in your knowledge acquisition. I dare you.
COL (Join to see)
I did Cpl Mark A. Morris. And I was the opposite of enlightened. I’m just not following the relevance to the post, discussions, or anything brought to light here
Cpl Mark A. Morris
The enemy of these United States and what, at least what we use to stand for like judging by action, will lie to your face.
I find it odd, some here on RP would defend the Nation of Islam.
I find it odd, some here on RP would defend the Nation of Islam.

Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Capt Gregory Prickett The post was about an individual with the Nation of Islam who committed a crime.
As soon as Farrakhan and his group were Denigrated, you start comparing it the Catholics and taking up for them.
It was never about their right to worship a fence post. But go ahead and mislead.
As soon as Farrakhan and his group were Denigrated, you start comparing it the Catholics and taking up for them.
It was never about their right to worship a fence post. But go ahead and mislead.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Capt Gregory Prickett I read their comment. I do not believe a hate group. You go ahead and believe them.
The ideology of Submission celebrates the Martyrdom of a warrior for Su’en. Was the American Honorable Police Officer white and an infidel?
In any case, this post shows the division in our country and what kind of enemy within we have in the case of Farrakhan.
In any case, this post shows the division in our country and what kind of enemy within we have in the case of Farrakhan.
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