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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 6 y ago
Thank you my friend CW5 Jack Cardwell for sharing the classic music video of Mean Mary James performing her original tune [written with her mother Jean James] Iron Horse on WLRN Folk & Acoustic Music with Michael Stock 91.3 FM WLRN 11/17/2013.
Iron Horse lyrics written by Jean James & Mary James, music written by Mary James.
We rode the plains as lovers do
We raced beneath the summer sun
My dusky eyes met his so blue
Our soaring spirits breathed as one

We blazed our love across the sky
Surrendered to its ancient force
Until the day he said goodbye
And climbed aboard the Iron horse

I heard its challenge, loud and shrill
As we chased it up the Great Divide
Though my steed had the stronger will
The iron horse had the longer stride

Its whistle cut me like a blade
I loathed its screaming, smoky cry
How could he leave His Indian maid?
I’ll ride like wind and ask him why

Astride my fearless painted dun
I chose my pace and set my course
To catch this demon on the run
My steed against this iron horse

I heard its challenge loud and shrill
As it labored up the Great Divide.
Though my steed had the stronger will
The iron horse had the longer stride

It roared its challenge loud and shrill
As it labored up the Great Divide.
Though I had the stronger will
The iron horse had the longer stride

Through the thunder of its blare
I yelled my fury at the beast
Wasted words lost in the air
As it roared its way forever east

And the iron horse’s speed increased …"

FYI Maj Robert Thornton CPT Scott SharonSFC Greg Bruorton SFC Michael Young 1stSgt Eugene Harless MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy 1SG Carl McAndrews SPC Douglas Bolton Debbie Pomeroy Cloud Kathlean KeeslerSGT Tim Fridley (Join to see) SSG David Andrews Sgt John H. SGT Mark Halmrast Cynthia Croft Sgt Vance Bonds SSgt Brian Brakke
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
After I had returned from O’seas Duty in Thailand I happened to be at the Travis AFB “Airmen’s footlocker; a thrift shop for “All Airmen” and families.. I found a tube radio.. kind of battered and worked very good. I picked up on a couple extra tubes for it and found a antenna like one might tape up on a wall or elsewhere. An electrician at the hospital helped and rigged up an extended antenna cable to go outside the hospital and ran up a water drain pipe from the roof.. he connected it to a multi general service antenna and to
Make sure that antenna wasn’t removed attached a band on it with a warning about removing before clearance was punishable under...
As far as I knew my friends there enjoyed that old box for several years.. a good deal for $5 . The Lt. Came in late at night (just after midnight and was able to occasionally tune in WJR out of Detroit and listen to “Night Flight”... do any RP members recall “Night Flight”. Usually about just after Midnight ..?... Maybe all them extensions the electrician helped some. I credit “skip” off the clouds also along with some other associated stations in the group that WJR was a member of (owned by?).. for me ; I enjoyed tuning in
“WSM” our of Nashville on a occasional Sunday.. We had a diet tech.. a young Airman into “head-banging” genre of “noise”... what I and some others may regard as “noise” and not music .. I had it on low and he walked by and tried to yank the plug recklessly out of the wall socket. Our electrician friend put a turn-and-lock plug on the end of the cord and that foiled his sabotage effort.. another of our friends made a horseshoe shape metal band over the radio and bolted it it down.. we had resecured the cord to the wall and ran it along top of wall to another receptacle high on the wall. A few weeks go by... said alleged Sabateur makes a legal turn and complained that all the extra work to connect and secure radio device was a waste of valuable government resources that could of been used for better .. The head repairman /shop leader said that all checks/ monitoring were achieved prior to doing extra-curricular project. Our Lt. One of our dietician wrote it was a morale-welfare sit-rep and our Dept. Head dietician concurred in her statement . Transistor radios just will not work and some larger units that work.. interfere with communications/ pacers, monitors.. etc.,... and the tube radio did not. So the vomplaint got trashed.. normally he didn’t work Sunday.. claiming religious t3n3ts... I brought it up in an informal discussion at a get -together party . Even the colonel worked on Sundays.. I knew he was listening.. He came over and brought up the “meeting rule”(discussing work at outside work activity) “your welcome to join us, John.” “No, I don’t talk work when not at work and you shouldn’t either ..when tslkkng about workers”. .. “we were discussing your not working on Sunday citing religious tenets, yet you listen to alleged music/“noise”
That pays praise to the devil(aka Satin).. so can you justify that?”
The Lt. Inquired........ silence... “I thought as much, starting Sunday, that’s tomorrow you will be at work at 1000 hrs.. end of conversation”
He went away in A mild shock.. like somebody just hit him on the back of his head with a coal shovel.. .. He came to work and did what was assigned to him.. no faster or slower than at the middle of a week.. He claimed he tripped on his shoelace.. and grabbed cord for stability.. accident maybe.? so we let it go.. I had to thinking that one.. I thought sure it may have been on purpose.. so I gave him benefit of a doubt. That went away later.. he came back after setting up his alibi.. what I thought was an alibi.. He had a religious studies class and was investigating what “listening to that genre of music(?)” does to affect a person..
Do drugs need to be involved.. marijuana, hallucigenkc shrooms, smoking dried banana peels<-seriously? .. I had friends that worked base education/registration
(So they can get credits accredited to their CCAF file. Is there a reason for this inquiry, SSGT.? I thought maybe the Lt., she’s our section Extra curricular ecucstion Officer .. have her give me a call and ask for SSGT. Stan G. .. I did that and he told her that he had signed up and then a few days later withdrew from the class at the local comm. college. His being s Calif born resident.. he got a free college education so he was a somewhat professional student..
So why’d he even join the AF? He stated it was a family patriotic thing, older brothers a Sister, Great Grandfather and 3 cousins going back generations to WWI and earief maybe.. So a free education wasn’t a draw to the AF.. His family told him that his AF training ; not just what he’d learn as a diet tech but what he learned in BMT... ( think on that and some of you RP members may think he forgot some of what he was taught; being honorable.. why? ; to establish an alibi he he registered for a class .. to make it truthful that he had a class and after he tells the “alleged truth” he withdraws from the class.. I believe it becomes a lie and dishonorable conduct... there are shady lawyers that might dispute this statement. So people can try to call it a temporary truth.. maybe some people have done that sit-rep. I admit I had signed up for s’thing.. my ‘out’ was that not paying for it by a certain time I was dropped but with no penalty.. I did it back in my JR. High school days
after return’g from Military school .. I was supposed to establish extra curricular activity of substance.. to allegedly keep busy for summer.. I abhored signing up for a “liberal-type creative basket-weaving class”. One of those perpetual student Aunts that goes around signing up for liberal craft classes
and then gets a liberal federal grant (paid for by my parents and other work’g taxpayers) to pay for it.. .she gets a semi-continuous card she has to renew occasionally to go to churches, community houses that get federal subsidy food to feed the needy and other “pretend-to-be needy peeps”. Yes, some students may be caught in circumstances such as that... I admit it’s crafty (?) of the “pretend-to-be Needies” to pull off getting meals that should be for those that truly need them.. I do know of a community service center run by a ‘religious’ sect that requires needies to show up.. grab a garbage bag and work gloves JR size hand rakes./ shovels and day-glo vest to go out and collect litter(the group sponsors a local road to clean up litter.). The county picks up and a driver or whoever’s with them signs off so these people get credit for community service.. that kind of person I like.. they return some kind of work for that
Lunch or supper.. and the community looks better.. it’s the perpetual students .. that get the grants.. if they took classes that got them degrees, certification to get jjobs that taught those truly needies how to get a job to support themselves to sustain them to get off the dole.. yes I could see them receiving sustenance because it’d be temporary.. if they recieve any sustenance $ , donate for that lunch or supper what they can .. even if it’s a quarter or a half dollar or some pennies.. it all helps.. those charities could also reciprocate back to gov’t food source.. from donations.. I suppose sponsoring roads does reciprocate.. so no longer a prob in that respect. I seemed to have covered different sit-reps.. E’body at RP have an awesome summer day this
Sunday the 29th Of July.. got to get ready and tske Mom to do some shopping at the local grocer
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CW5 Jack Cardwell Put It On Continuous Loop and I'm in Heaven!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Mean Mary and a banjo. Excellent
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