Posted on May 2, 2022
Lawmakers fear Ukraine could spiral into US-Russian war
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Russia had nukes during the Korean War along with sending Ace WW2 pilots (Honchos) in MIG-15s. Stalin did not Sabre rattle because Truman was a WW1 vet and Eisenhower was not wimpy like Biden's Administration that worries more about Transgender kids rights and Critical Race Theory in the Uniformed Services compared to what really matters in the real world such as Russia invading a country that was once meant to protect and threatening other nations who want to join NATO as a direct result I was invading those countries which I go back to blaming brokeback Biden because he fled Afghanistan like a girly man giving liquid courage to Vladimir Putin to strike in Ukraine.
Retired four-star general Jack Keane was saying two months ago that he believe that President Biden did not want Vladimir Putin to lose. White rage four-star goofball General milley thought that Ukraine would collapse after less than a week. Another example of people who are not held accountable again and again in this messed up Administration who make bad judgment calls. Like I said the last few weeks, the Biden Administration ruins everything it touches and people died by the thousands.
President Biden didn't say the sanctions ever worked before the war begins. I think that this Administration got blindsided by the UK and Australia giving armored vehicles to Ukraine but our Administration is too wimpy to give Russian main battle tanks or over personnel carriers and the NATO inventory.
Retired four-star general Jack Keane was saying two months ago that he believe that President Biden did not want Vladimir Putin to lose. White rage four-star goofball General milley thought that Ukraine would collapse after less than a week. Another example of people who are not held accountable again and again in this messed up Administration who make bad judgment calls. Like I said the last few weeks, the Biden Administration ruins everything it touches and people died by the thousands.
President Biden didn't say the sanctions ever worked before the war begins. I think that this Administration got blindsided by the UK and Australia giving armored vehicles to Ukraine but our Administration is too wimpy to give Russian main battle tanks or over personnel carriers and the NATO inventory.
Russia warns of nuclear, hypersonic deployment if Sweden and Finland join NATO
One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's closest allies warned NATO on Thursday that if Sweden and Finland joined the U.S.-led military alliance then Russia would deploy nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles in a European exclave.
So put the 4 wheel disc brakes on golf Delta climate change worries and put it toward increasing our military defense posture instead of the other way around with this stupid brokeback Biden Administration.
15% increase for a couple agencies but only a 4% increase on the Department of Defense with a 10% inflation self inflicted by this dumb Administration. Yet, the reward stupid agencies with 15% increase when Russia is threatening Finland and Sweden with putting mobile nuclear missile batteries next to their borders.
15% increase for a couple agencies but only a 4% increase on the Department of Defense with a 10% inflation self inflicted by this dumb Administration. Yet, the reward stupid agencies with 15% increase when Russia is threatening Finland and Sweden with putting mobile nuclear missile batteries next to their borders.
Regional nuclear war could trigger global cooling and famine
Even a limited nuclear conflict could spark "unprecedented climate change," U.S. government scientists warn.
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