Posted on Aug 28, 2020
Kyle Rittenhouse fundraiser shutdown by GoFundMe
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
First amendment means government will not prosecute you for free speech. Private sector has right to not allow certain material on its separate platforms

First Amendment constraints don’t apply to private platforms, Supreme Court affirms
The case had caused concern for some online speech advocates
Sgt James S.
MSgt Michael Bischoff - didn't even watch the videos of the shootings, is what you're saying. Because the 2nd person he shot hit him with the skateboard, and the 3rd one was coming at him with a handgun in hand.
Were you this deliberately obtuse while on active duty and in charge of troops? Good thing you're retired.
Were you this deliberately obtuse while on active duty and in charge of troops? Good thing you're retired.
Sgt James S.
MSgt Michael Bischoff - Meanwhile, in the land of factual's a fully sourced timeline with links to the corresponding video footage. [login to see] 48223&id= [login to see] 07961&ref=bookmarks
Update: since Facebook hates the truth being spread and took down that post, here's a link to the same info outside of Facebook:
Update: since Facebook hates the truth being spread and took down that post, here's a link to the same info outside of Facebook:

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