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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
As they are far-left America-Last socialists to a man, and to a woman and a trans nonbinary whatever, that is for the best: they would only make things worse. Nonetheless, the American people deserve better. The Biden regime’s non-response to the death of Haniyeh reveals that the clique that is running the Executive Branch at this point is only concerned with perpetuating its own power, not in the slightest degree with safeguarding the interests of the American people. Can the 25th Amendment be used against both Biden and Harris?
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LTC Trent Klug
There are so many similarities to the last year of the Carter administration. An AWOL president. A castrated (self-inflicted I may add) Joint Chiefs and Pentagon, and a eunuch of a Secretary of State. This administration, and the party that supports it, hates Israel and wants it wiped from the map of the globe.
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