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Responses: 6
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
There’s actual text and voicemail evidence..
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
2 y
Oh, where? And not whats mentioned on Fox News or OAN.......that's hardly actual.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
2 y
Unseen and unproven or unverified. Accusations are hollow, until they are proven beyond a reasonable doubt SSG (Join to see) and here, nothing has been found yet on Hunter and Joe. Republicans have to stop grasping at straws all the time; stop playing dirty politics and introspection is on-tap, so please drink it.

I was a Republican, till Bush Jr. used the Office of the President to finish off what his father began, without any clear or even convincing evidence. I am not saying Saddam shouldn't have been eliminated; I am not saying the conflict was unjustified. I am saying that the evidence was absent and the basis stated was unverified.

Trump is an authoritarian who believes that the U.S. is an autocracy and, not a democracy or a representative democracy, which the U.S. actually is in fact. Trump played very dirty politics with Hillary that Americans around the globe felt the U.S. was electing the better or worse of the two evils. By 2020, Trump was facing impeachment and he was reserved on testifying before Congress and releasing relevant documents to the House. Trump kept and is still accelerating on dirty politics rhetoric that is baseless or unverified.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
"reason doubt"? Thats for a court. The bottom line is if there this much hard evidence against anyone in the Trump family we all know they would have been investigated, tried, convicted, and sitting in jail right now.

The non-investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden is a travesty of justice/law that our Country will never live down.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
2 y
Not true at all SFC (Join to see). Just saying Hunter Biden is guilty is not enough. Claiming Hunter's laptop contains evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's business is pure hearsay and hearsay holds no weight in any court of law.

As for Trump, he had his hands in both Gov't and his Empire that his kids, who were office bearers in the Trump Organization and Special Advisors to Trump in the White House. Why are Republicans conveniently being oblivious to Trump's own actions? This is hard to understand, really.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - How can you say any of this with the history of the years long Mueller investigation that couldn’t find anything to charge Trump or his family with? Two impeachments where rules of testimony were lessoned to allow hearsay evidence… I can go on, but I don’t want to bore you.

For whatever your reasons you appear to hate Trump when you will not look objectively at facts of our history that all remember. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Pretending to be impartial and advocating facts out of context are bad. When this happens, it isn’t honest debate anymore and where I have to part ways.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Well we just won't mention the $2M Jared Kushner made from the Saudis, and that's a known. Wonder how many more millions he made after speaking with his father in law.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
2 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro, let's discuss Trump's taxes that he has been concealing even in public service. How much did Trump walk away with from the White House and what was his salary; what was he worth when he assumed office as President and; what benefits did the Trump Organization receive from Gov't while Trump was in office? Let's answer these simple questions for starters.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
2 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro, here is my understanding: (1) no business tycoon does something for nothing. Trump becoming President was and still gives Trump, and his organization an advantage; (2) Trump's induction of family members, Ivanka and Jarred Kushner, as his special advisors has both business and political advantage for Trump. Otherwise, there was absolutely no reason to induct family into the administration; (3) which charities did Trump donate his entire salary for four years to and who are the promoters and directors of these charities which received Trump's donated salary? Share Trump's tax returns since 2015 (from 2016 presidential campaign). Fox news doesn't represent media and is known to be pro-Trump; (4) since Jerrad Kushner and Ivanka Trump were not on Gov't payroll then, both Kushner and Ivanka should have no issue with their taxes being scrutinized. Just saying that Trump and his family played politics for no gain doesn't really mean Trump and his organization did any pro bono service to our Country. I find it very hard to believe Trump, who dodged military service and then suggests that our fallen heroes are losers and suckers, does anything for nothing; Trump is the boss and the boss does and says whatever he wants, and does as he cares to do whenever he feels like it, with presidential immunity, is what the former POTUS thought and continues to feel.

Is the U.S. a Federal Constitutional Republic or a Representative Democracy?
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
2 y
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana But that would be a witch hunt.
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