Posted on May 8, 2015
Harvard Study: Social Security In Far Worse Shape Than Official Numbers Show
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 21
Perhaps it's a bit naive on my part, but I feel they'll come up with some way to keep it paying out. The naysayers have been predicting SSI would go broke for decades...they said it would be broke years ago (nothing new), yet it still continues to be paid out.
If the government were to suddenly stop paying to those who have contributed to it their entire adult lives, we'd see an outright revolt.
If the government were to suddenly stop paying to those who have contributed to it their entire adult lives, we'd see an outright revolt.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
I think that is true of most anything the government "pays" for anymore. The question becomes "how" are they paying for it and we all know the answer to that (it is why we are up to our eye balls in debt). SOMEDAY, the government is not going to be able to that anymore ... and that is when programs like Social Security will dry up.
LT Garth Young (Ret)
I keep paying the max every year.....have been paying in now for about 44 years.....they owe me when my time comes up. It'd be like taking away my Military pension now....I earned it, I expect a payout. Agree with LCDR Foster....revolution in this Country if they stop.
CDR (Join to see)
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad, I agree. But, when the time does come for it to dry up, I foresee them phasing it out (as in a definitive end date for those who would be required to contribute and earn benefits), so as not to completely go back on their word...and to avoid any outright revolt.
PO1 Glenn Boucher
I don't put much faith in this study. We all know that Social Security has been in terrible shape for many years now and they keep paying it out, even to those who never contributed. Somehow they will keep pointing fingers and screaming at the appropriate time, and continue paying it out
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Unbelievable (and unforgiveable) ... once again, it is the taxpayer who is left holding the (empty) bag.
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