Posted on Apr 8, 2020
Guns of the COVID-19 pandemic: What to look for in your first handgun | RECOIL
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 2
What ever gun you buy learn to use it safely that means practice with it. remember too the #1 rule of safety, Keep your nose picker off the bang button until you want it to go bang. Practice, practice, practice.
Our shop has been cleaned out over the last few weeks, so there isn't much selection of either guns or ammo. Many first-time gun buyers are coming in with suggestions from friends or family members, but we don't always have what they are looking for, so they may have to buy based on current inventory and staff recommendations. We are a Glock master-dealer, so we usually have more Glocks in stock than any other brand. I carry and shoot SIGs, but our SIG inventory is usually pretty skimpy.
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