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Cpl Software Engineer
I've had a few conversations with some SOF guys at the local range who hated the SCAR. For my personal experience with an M16, AR15 and the CZ BREN II, the better option, IMHO, is the CZ BREN II Carbine.
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SSgt Clare May
it boils down to weight...always has...always will. Until the military starts a hiring standard that includes the ability to drag your knuckles on the ground while standing...WEIGHT will always be a determining factor. Then it will be number of rounds available to maintain the "WEIGHT FACTOR"...

Just the other day ago,,, I took my AR out with 55g boat tail fmj's in a 20 Mph wind... just to mess around... at 300 yards (scoped) I pinged the steel one time out of 10, at 200 it was 50-50...3 out of 6...at 100 yards I finished the 30 round mag with a 100% ping rate.

Enter .224 Valkyrie 88g boat tail jhp's... 25 round magazine, same AR platform but with a 20' stainless barrel... pinged at 300, pinged at 200 and at 100... 25 times. IDK but to me, that extra 4" barrel, and heavier bullet makes a difference...even in the wind.

I could see the misses from the 55g fmj's hit the ground 40" off the center mass at 300 yards. Winds were at my back which I thought would help carry them fmj's, I was wrong.

Last consideration I can think that makes the difference...? If you dont like the platform, you ain't gonna shoot it worth a shit.

Ammo can make the difference. My reloads perform better than factory stuff. I tweek them until I get it where I like it...

just sayin...
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
SSgt Clare May
And, six paragraphs center mass.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
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Maj Robert Thornton
One of the adjoining counties to Dawson county, GA, got a really great deal on the FN SCAR for their SWAT teams. I know a couple of the guys and they flat love the firearm.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
I can see why!
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