Posted on Sep 1, 2018
First enlisted woman graduates from US Army Ranger school
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
MAJ John Douglas
Except its not happening, too many people involved telling the same stories about much lower standards to get the females through the training.
So I'll clear some air on this. I went thru as an SF E-6 and passed without recycling. It truly sucked but enhanced my skills. 13 soldiers made it with me from start to finish out of the 300. Its an amazing challenge for everyone who went. In June my wife ran a marathon at Camp Merrell GA. This is the 2nd phase of Ranger School or Mountain course. It was an awesome timecapsule and impressed they kept it old school, nothing modern, sand tables, open floor barracks..etc. The Cadre welcomed me as a long lost brother. I found a CPT writing an OP order to present as an example to the incoming class. I did ask about the standards, if they changed and tried to expel any rumors. Not taking anything away from their accomplishment, the women who attended were studs but were given allot of exceptions that others didn't receive.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
MAJ John Douglas - that's a privacy issue. If they want to offer her another shot, so be it.
MAJ John Douglas
Lt Col Charlie Brown - A woman just back from having a baby is capable of passing Ranger School?
Lt Col Charlie Brown
MAJ John Douglas - I don't know. I passed my PT 6 weeks after having mine. I am not a medic. I have to assume she was medically cleared to do all that was asked of her. I am not going to sit at the distance and make judgements without facts.
MAJ John Douglas
It's one thing to pass a pt test and something else entirely to go through Ranger school.

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