Posted on Feb 4, 2022
Fired Pharmaceutical Workers Explain Why They Didn't Get COVID-19 Shots
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Covid-19 shots were encouraged in India and the public listened and took the shots. Those who didn't take the shots contracted the virus and infected their societies. Eventually, these healed societies accepted the vaccines and got vaccinated for Covid-19.
Maj Wayne Crist
And the shots don't keep you from getting the virus. It may help keep you alive. But now we have people fully shot up and they still die. Tell it to a father whose son is now a vegetable as he contracted the heart disease and had stoke. These are not a true vaccine but a treatment that guarantees nothing. Oh and I have had all three shots but I understand why people don't get the shot.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
Maj Wayne Crist, Omicron is a mutation of Covid-19, alike to Delta and Alpha variants. Now, Omicron has mutated into three variants; B.A.2, 3 & 4. Omicron has seen less deaths than Delta, so far.
Maj Wayne Crist
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - When was the last time you heard the Flu shot referred to as a vaccine? These shot are treatments at best. There is no way to know if another variant will will be even worse than than the first ones. it is also interesting that the reports of new infections seldom mention what variant they are seeing. According to Doctors I have talked to they are all still out there affecting people. The latest reports rom some reputable medical sources say having had the virus is the best protection. So how much of the success India had was the result of that? Don't think they are even studying it. Our own country has tried hard to ignore it.
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