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Responses: 7
LTC David Brown
I know it sucks but after watching so much of this stuff, if you are on active duty stay off social media. If you do get on posting pictures of you dog or kid is OK as long as the dog or kid aren’t peeing on the picture of a superior or President. You have a “Doppler ganger” on the web. What have you posted that future employer might find embarrassing? What are inconsistencies that demonstrate mental instability, ie joining weight watchers then ordering pizza at 1am”. Just because the guy is a two star doesn’t make him immune, you aren’t either.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 y
Roger that.
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MSG Greg Kelly
OK so a Liberal General clashed with Fox news and shared a reenlistment video. Obviously, there is more we are not being told. The Army doesn't just stop someone retirement. If I had to guess I will go with conduct unbecoming, or promising people (females) things to reenlist.
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2 y
Definitely plausible.
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I feel it should be illegal to pry into, and/or use, a person's comments on social media. From my perspective, it's a violation of privacy. But.....it's already been to court, (several years ago), and the judge decided there's nothing wrong with it. So it's going to remain legal to do this to a person until someone with the money to fight it comes along.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
I would agree if it was a person's own account, but it appears in this case, the account he was (mis)using was his 'official Army' account
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
2 y
If you're on a " Social Media site, whatever you say while on it is PUBLIC Knowledge.
If you're in the Armed Forces/ Politics/ a Public trust position- teacher/ school boards/... you will be noticed and held to a higher standard of accountability.
The temptation is there to post like any other civilian, but don't forget , what goes on the internet goes world wide. And is fodder for some one to keel haul you later.
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
2 y
If it's on a site that is public, then what right to privacy does the blogger expect?
If you text on a site that is public, the military personnel that post must maintain a military bearing. That is , to maintain a standard higher than that of a civilian. The Soldier is held to a higher standard because he / she ze ... are iin a profession that holds public confidence and is of higher visibility. With the uniform, comes a responsibility higher than that of the average civilian profession.
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
2 y
If the person did not want their opinion known, they should keep it under wraps. To broadcast an opinion on a Public media is to make your position known to the general public.
If you did not want it to be general information known to the public, keep the comment neutral.

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