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Responses: 7
CSM Chuck Stafford
Edited 2 y ago
Both? -- Gun control of your shots saves your life, but costs the life of the guy assaulting you...
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
According to the stats the bad guy runs away more often than he gets shot.
CSM Chuck Stafford
CSM Chuck Stafford
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - When you control your shot group, he won't run very far
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
CSM Chuck Stafford - As long as he's not carrying any of my belongings, I'll let him run. His problem is a self correcting one, eventually He'll meet a Kyle.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
2 y
If you're lucky.
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SSgt Stephen Bramham
Kennesaw, GA passed a City Ordinance several years ago requiring every head of household to have a gun and ammunition for it. While our crime rate is pretty low the Ordinance is never enforced. Just the thought that a homeowner is armed deters most crime.
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CPT Jack Durish
Let me tell you a story: I shared a hootch in Vietnam with a group of officers that included a JAG captain. One very rainy night (it was monsoon season) he was sitting on his bunk cleaning his .45 1911 while four of us played cards nearby. I glanced in his direction from time to time to watch what he was doing. I thought I might have missed part of his routine inasmuch as I only saw him brushing the barrel vigorously and occasionally look down it. The weapon was still fully assembled. After several minutes of this, he pulled the trigger and blew a hole in the roof. I laid down my hand and walked to his bunk where he now sat frozen with the weapon still pointing up. I peeled it from his hand and completely field striped it. After dumping the parts on his bunk I returned to the game. He spent the rest of his tour looking for someone to reassemble it for him. None dared. Word had circulated throughout the basecamp that to do so would result in "consequences".

Many of us grew up with firearms. Actually, weapons of all sorts. We were taught by the family inspired by a mutual respect for each one's sense of self preservation. Still, upon enlistment, we met many who weren't so trained. I well-remember my first day on the range as the range sergeant had us place our unloaded weapons on the ground with the barrels resting on a stake and pointing down range, and our feet, at the position of attention, bracketing the rifle butt. We repeated this exercise countless times wondering who was screwing up. No one, actually. He was establishing control.

In Vietnam, I also well-remembering standing at the entrance to the basecamp, inspecting each weapon as my patrol passed by, making sure all were cleared. Again, control.

I now have my Texas Concealed Carry Permit. Despite my experience with firearms, spanning almost 70 years, I still had to pass tests demonstrating my proficiency. I'm glad to know that everyone who has the same permit is similarly tested.

So, count me among the ranks of those who believe that gun control saves lives. However, also count me among the ranks of those who believe that infringements on the right to keep and bear arms costs lives.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - Control/Training, Tomato/tomahto. And you are correct about universal training. I was a member of the school gun club (yes, I'm that old). Unfortunately, the Left has a habit of defining the terms of debate and we have the bad habit of letting them do it. To them, "Control" is "Confiscation" and other abusive infringements on our right to keep and bear arms.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
CPT Jack Durish - There is a huge disconnect between what a conservative calls control and what a socialist uses the term for. I feel like it's kind of important to make sure that, that distinction is not allowed to be swept under the rug. So I will engage in the debate over tomatoe/tomahto.
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
2 y
CPT Jack Durish
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
CPT Jack Durish - I realize this is a somewhat graphic meme I just created, I believe it gets the message across with no misunderstanding.
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