Posted on Mar 18, 2024
Denmark announces compulsory military service for women too | DW News
Posted 12 mo ago
Responses: 3
I have thought this all along, equals rights are equal rights.
I actually would like to see something like what the Israelis do, everyone has to fulfill a period of Service, whatever length specified. And have it open to Military Service, Red Cross, or any number of other services deemed worthy to have a bit of extra manpower thrown at it.
This would accomplish two goals. First. give young folks a taste of doing something to better their country. Second let them have a little green in their pockets to understand financial ideas a bit more than just a handout from Mom and Dad.
I actually would like to see something like what the Israelis do, everyone has to fulfill a period of Service, whatever length specified. And have it open to Military Service, Red Cross, or any number of other services deemed worthy to have a bit of extra manpower thrown at it.
This would accomplish two goals. First. give young folks a taste of doing something to better their country. Second let them have a little green in their pockets to understand financial ideas a bit more than just a handout from Mom and Dad.
MSG Stan Hutchison
Perhaps something like the old CCC?
If, and that is a big if, there were to be a draft, it should include ALL able-bodied citizens with no deferments.
If, and that is a big if, there were to be a draft, it should include ALL able-bodied citizens with no deferments.
When 72% of men ages 18- 30 said they would not fight for our Country. It's time to crank up the Draft!
I have always been for this. Especially now that we have had women serving in combat jobs for some time now. If everything is open to women then so should the draft. I have a daughter and it would pain me to see her drafted as if she wanted to serve she would...but, if she were called up I know she would serve with pride and distinction as she would see it as her duty. I beleive in what Johnson and Hutchinson stated in this thread. I believe that everyone should serve somewhere. Especially those that have student debt they want paid off. Go to work for one of the aid organizations or FEMA or something like that and earn a salary as well as us paying off your student win for everyone. I also believe that even the physically handicapped have a place...everyone has something to offer. May not be able to fight but you can type, pack a chute, run an armory, or just overall administrative duty...mentally handicapped no but everyone else deferments!
SFC Bernard Walko Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt (Join to see) Cpl Vic Burk MSgt James Parker SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes LTC Trent Klug MSG Stan Hutchison MSgt Dale Johnson
SFC Bernard Walko Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt (Join to see) Cpl Vic Burk MSgt James Parker SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes LTC Trent Klug MSG Stan Hutchison MSgt Dale Johnson
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