Posted on Jun 13, 2019
Deepfake Videos And The Threat Of Not Knowing What's Real
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
Cpl (Join to see)
Which is why most of the major liberal outlets are laying people off and offering early out bonuses. The informed are well informed, the collective, or sheep, not so much.
That nancy video we as real as real can be. snippets of it can be found all over the internet. Those in the media that defend her are afraid to lose more viewers because they can't admit that they were wrong, so they make up even more stories. Lies beget more lies because they are harder to remember. They need to just start telling the hard truths and let the people make their own decisions. It's hard to fathom that some allow the medias' actors tell them how too think.
PO1 Tony Holland
The mere fact that something can be found on the internet confers no validity to it whatsoever. Capt Gregory Prickett PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MAJ James Woods LTC Eugene Chu COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Cpl (Join to see)
Come on petty officer! Fake news is a thing and if you can't see it, that's not my fault. I understand that people want to believe the media is free of corruption, but we are all human. And we all know what's said about humans, right?
Read "Propaganda" by edward bernays, one of the forefathers of "public relations." Then read Mark Levin's "Unfreedom of the Press." I read from all sources since I'm not a cable subscriber, you have nothing to lose by reading the material, but real knowledge.
Free your mind, Tony!
Read "Propaganda" by edward bernays, one of the forefathers of "public relations." Then read Mark Levin's "Unfreedom of the Press." I read from all sources since I'm not a cable subscriber, you have nothing to lose by reading the material, but real knowledge.
Free your mind, Tony!
Can see it now. Trump and other Trumplicans using this to claim every video and audio that embarrasses them as an altered fake.
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