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Responses: 3
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel solid read/share my friend. Thanks for sharing!
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SPC Lyle Montgomery
Fauci and his cohorts belong in prison for this covid vaccine hoax, not to mention lots of democrats and republican politicians. I would like to see a printout of the investments that they have made a fortune on the backs of people who died from this poison in the stock market. Maybe prison is too good for them. I can think of a place that is a lot hotter for all eternity that would be a better place for them to end up.
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LTC David Brown
Edited 3 y ago
The opioid epidemic is here. We are being inundated with illegal drugs, much of it from China. If you look at the opium wars I think China is trying to do with us what Britain did to China. Mexican Drug cartels have Chinese advisors and China is laundering money for the drug cartels. Our current border crises allows easier smuggling of drugs. Opioid drug use in medical practice has declined. Many people in anesthesia no do narcotic free anesthesia etc. There are a few errors in the article. Fentanyl has been around for a long long time. I went to anesthesia school in 1979 and graduated in 1983. We were using a lot of fentanyl then. There are many derivatives of fentanyl, sufentanyl, alfentanyl, carfentanyl etc. during the late 1970’s into the early 80’s you had street chemists making what were called “designer” drugs. These were derivatives of fentanyl that were not chemically illegal. Unfortunately someone developed one that irreversibly bound to dopamine receptors leading to severe Parkinson’s disease that rapidly progressed. In the mid 1990’s a doctor published a letter in JAMA. He had done a short study of four or five patients and found treating their immediate recovery room pain didn’t lead to addiction. Sales reps for drug companies send the letter to say treating patients to make them comfortable was OK. This was a letter not a study. One of the big things not discussed is the Recovery Room pain scale. Are you hurting? Then the recovery room nurse would show you a smiley face chart going from 0 to 10. 0 being no pain with a big happy smiley face and 10 being the worse pain in your life with a terrible frowning face. Patients didn’t leave recovery room until a one or two. Narcotics were the drug of choice. This continued on the floor and until out the door. The patient expected the same at home.Doctors complied with patient’s requests. Chronic pain patients are a difficult . They are multi faceted. Doctors have schedules etc. As with many complex problems like PTSD or mental problems writing a script is easier than treating underlying problems. There is a book called “ Dreamland” that covers a lot of this in depth. The author, Sam Quinones, feels we really started down this road with Valium n the late 1950’s early 1960’s. , Valium used to be called “ mother’s little helper”.
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