Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
Holland vs England LOL
If you don't like his comedy, then you are not used to Monty Pyton!
If you don't like his comedy, then you are not used to Monty Pyton!
Capt Seid Waddell
LTC (Join to see), that one worked - thanks.

Watch Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton Argue About Who Is the Better First Lady from Saturday...
Michelle Obama (Sasheer Zamata) and Hillary Clinton (Vanessa Bayer) join together to wish Americans a happy Mother's Day while passive aggressively fighting about who is the more impactful first lady. [Season 39, 2014]
LTC (Join to see)
Larry David nails it as Bernie Sanders in "Saturday Night Live" skit (October 19, 2015)
Larry David nails it as Bernie Sanders in "Saturday Night Live" skit. Bernie Sanders jokes about SNL spoof of him in debate. Monday, October 19, 2015.
Capt Seid Waddell - just like Police Officers have to joke about the murders they have to investigate to not go crazy us soldiers and veterans have to do the some with the dog and pony show gone mad in the latest political catch-22 and SNL and other places make it funny to watch!
caption: Larry David nails Bernie Sanders on SNL 10-19-2015
caption: Larry David nails Bernie Sanders on SNL 10-19-2015
LTC (Join to see)
Capt Seid Waddell - i just found it last week. Thanks to CNN situation room and Youtube
I'm in, CPT Jack Durish. PC isn't a laughing matter, but it does deserve to be mocked. Roundly.
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