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Responses: 1
Cpl Mark A. Morris
There is no cure for Schumer and his ink that want open borders, global government and a much larger central government. He and his are as anti-American as it gets. How any true American can vote for his kind shows us how mislead voters can be.
He sold out to special interests a long time ago and is in the pocket of the world system. He also seems a bit slimy.
M. Morris RVT
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Edited >1 y ago
SGT Eric Knutson - I do not believe we can hide our heads in the sand when it comes to a compromised sitting president and his administration which is incapacitated and unable to govern effectively due to the politically radioactive fallout generated by their own arrogance, ignorance, and behavior. While I understand and sympathize with the sentiment of the editorial letter - the bottom line is the historical incidents - whatever you believe about what happened and who was responsible and what should be done about the responsible parties - none of those individuals are in charge of our government today. Donald Trump and his cronies are in charge of the White House - they have a majority in both houses of the Congress - and nothing worthwhile is getting done about their domestic legislative and funding agendas - because they are completely distracted and deeply paralyzed by their own self inflicted political drama. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala - I don't "like Fox news". I never listen to/view it. In fact, I don't listen to any broadcast media news. I also gave up on newspapers long ago. So, if you think that I recommend any of them, including Fox News, please disregard.
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>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - I am deleting the reference. Sandy :)
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala - I thought that you read my statements better than that. And in your response to CPT Jack Durish, didn't you leave out the CBC, from our neighbors to the north?
SGT Eric Knutson
SGT Eric Knutson
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala - And I am not sure were you get that I watch Fox either, I have not watched any broadcast news in a few years now. only as a background noise and it is pretty much whichever channel is on. I might catch a snippit here or there, but I listen to my LOCAL talk radio where they will bring up a news point or 2 of the day, and then everyone calls in and we pick it apart. For myself, I flat disregard anything that CNN says because they have proven to me beyond ANY doubt that they will ever tell the truth (all the way back in 91). What I do is pretty simple, I use my OWN brain to figure out what is really going on. As for being able to go back to the Norman Rockwell times, Maybe if people learned MORALS, and ETHICS, (probably would not hurt for people to learn how to actually read and write) Treat others as you would like to be treated always sounded like a good idea, then and now. I do not preach any party lines, but for our Govt, I expect them to follow the LAW, and actually work within a set budget would be a WONDERFUL start

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