Posted on Jul 6, 2024
Charges in a two-star general's court-martial came down to 'consent'
Posted 8 mo ago
Responses: 3
Agree that the standards for any crime for all service personnel should be the same in military law. What's sauce for the goose, etc. Problem with many sexual assault charges is that they come down to "he said, she said". Due to the nature of the act, usually two people engaged in very personal situations, there are usually few if any witnesses to the alleged offense. I had to deal with one case of sexual harassment in my unit, and it was a tough case that eventually ended in a summary court. The plaintiff won the day, but it was a difficult process.
Thanks Dale, If some lower airman,say E1 to E5 did the same crap they would be punished severly. An Officer should be held to the same or higher standards. I feel that thisn general got what he deserved.
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