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Responses: 9
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 6 y ago
Thank you my friend SGT John " Mac " McConnell for sharing a poignant song performed by Irishmen Damian McGinty, Keith Harkin, Paul Byrom, Ryan Kelly and Scotsman George Donaldson of Celtic Thunder as they sing Cormac McConnell's song ''Christmas 1915.'

"Christmas 1915" written by Cormac McConnell
"1915 on Christmas Day
On the Western Front the guns all died away
And lying in the mud on bags of sand
We heard a German sing from no man's land
He had a tenor voice so pure and true
The words were strange, but every note we knew
Soaring o’er the living, dead and damned
The German sang of peace from no man's land

They left their trenches and we left ours
Beneath tin hats the smiles bloomed like wild flowers
With photos, cigarettes and pots of wine
We built a soldier's truce on the front line
Their singer was a lad of 21
We begged another song before the dawn
And sitting in the mud and blood and fear
He sang again the song all longed to hear

Silent night, no cannons’ roar
A king is born of peace for evermore
All's calm, all's bright
All brothers hand in hand
In 19 and 15 in no man's land

And in the morning all the guns boomed in the rain
And we killed them and they killed us again
At night they charged; we fought them hand to hand
And I killed the boy that sang in no man's land

Silent night, no cannons’ roar
A king is born of peace for evermore
All's calm, all's bright
All brothers hand in hand
And that young soldier sings
And the song of peace still rings
Though the captains and all the kings
Built no man's land
Sleep in heavenly peace"

FYI LTC Orlando Illi Maj William W. "Bill" Price CPT Jack Durish SSgt Boyd Herrst] SSG Ray Adkins [ SGT Charles H. Hawes SSG Martin Byrne CPT Gabe SnellLTC Greg Henning
LTC (Join to see) Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Lt Col Charlie Brown SCPO Morris Ramsey SGT Mark Halmrast Sgt Randy Wilber Sgt John H. 1stSgt Eugene Harless CPT Scott Sharon SSG William Jones
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
Here’s more —v
Liebes Christuskind ta ram tam tam tam,
bin nur ein armer Junge ram tam tam tam.
Wo lauter Könige mit Gaben stehn,
läßt man vielleicht mich gar nicht zu dir gern.
Hab ja kein Gold, hab ja kein Geld.
Kann nur trommeln für dich ram tam tam tam.
Wenns dir gefällt.

Und vom Himmel hoch ta ram tam tam tam,
da kam ein Stern herab ta ram tam tam tam,
der führte ihn die stillen Straßen entlang.
Und seine kleine Trommel klang und sang
ram tam tam tam, ram tam tam tam

Das zum heil der Welt ta ram tam tam tam
Christus kam.
Noch keine Übersetzung vorhanden.
Jetzt Übersetzung hinzufügen
PO2 Kevin Parker
PO2 Kevin Parker
6 y
Oh Christmas Tree was one we had to do also.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum!
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen!
Wie oft hat nicht zur Weihnachtszeit
Ein Baum von dir mich hoch erfreut!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum!
Du kannst mir sehr gefallen!
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum!
Dein Kleid will mich was lehren:
Die Hoffnung und Beständigkeit
Gibt Trost und Kraft zu jeder Zeit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum!
Das soll dein Kleid mich lehren.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
SSgt Boyd Herrst

We had a sub teacher for a few weeks our teacher had a death in the family.. I didn’t know he was in the Service until she returned.. she brought back pics from the funeral of the firing detail, Flag folding and the Color Guard. Really impressive .
She had continuous pics of them rsising the rifles up,putting to shoulders , firing and repeat’g the steps.. We knew of course it was over and we all made sympathy cards in relation to her Uncle’s service.. She said those cards meant more than what her fellow teacher gave her. .. We asked our
Principal if he could ask the custodian to lower the Flag to half staff.. I knew there was a protocol, but could they do it for Mrs. G’s Uncle just for a day ? He didn’t answer but a half hour later the Flag was lowered to half staff in honor of her uncle.. It remained there until end of school day.. I can prob’ly
Imagine s’body complained along the line. We just thought it was a respectful tribute salute that her Uncle’s service ..
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
6 y
what I forgot to mention was the sub taught us the different songs in German. She brought in the lyrics and a record that had the songs..
One of the Kid’s Grandfather has fought in Germany in WW II and he still couldn’t let go the hostility he felt.. That’s understandable.. So there was flak over her teaching the
Songs .. our school had a whole series of different language books ..
they were kept high for the 5th and 6th grade kinder. I got on the ladder and got the German book down.. The teacher took it and she signed it out... I got hold of it and
Wrote some phrases and translations..
(V). (Gate)(s)(eenen) how are you
Wie Ghet es ihnen
Was just one of them.. I had a small speech prob but I seemed to pick up on the German style of pronunciation fairly well because of my speech prob. It went away for a long time because of therapy ..
After the TBI, i’m Picking the proper pronunciation of the German again.
Of course different states in Germany have their pronunciation
Just like it is here with different English sounding words. (I.e. Appalachia ... stretching north to south one can see diffeeent pronunciations of the same words ..
it’s same in Germany; Bavaria, , Austria.. you have two states there
Right next to each other the folk on both sides of line can understand each other fairly good... go west in one and east In the next one to it it is different pronunciation for same word. Maybe even a different word for that word because pronunciation is so hard, so a different word is used. LTC S. Ford is pretty knowledgeable aabout the area he was in..)
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
I love the way Celtic Thunder performs and their Christmas music is special. Thanks SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
6 y
My pleasure Lt Col Charlie Brown . A great bunch of singers and artist .
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Maj Robert Thornton
Excellent song/video choice.
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
6 y
Thanks. I felt that it was the right time !
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