Posted on Jun 4, 2017
Another London Terror Attack... (But Don't You Imply 'Muslim' or 'Islam'!) - Black & Blonde Media...
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 6
Please don't disrupt the narrative. The globalists are using Climate Change as the universal enemy, hoping to bond all peoples of the world by common cause. Distractions only get in the way. The only enemies that are worthy of vilification are the climate deniers. Vent your hatred and anger on them. Ignore all those others, terrorists, ISIS, and the like. The climate deniers are only using them to prevent the greater good of a one world government.
How much more blood must be spilled by these RADICAL ISLAMIC JIHADISTS; the followers of the “religion of peace?” How many more throats must be slashed? How many more people must be sacrificed to quench their bloodlust? These rabid animals will not stop until they have slaughtered every last infidel – gay, straight, Christian, Jew. That’s the cold, hard, politically incorrect truth. So despite what Liberals believe you cannot win over the heart of the RADICAL ISLAMIC JIHADISTS with candlelight vigils and benefit concerts. The only way to deal with them is to put a 7.62MM round between their eyes - you don't hesitate - you put them down with dispatch - PERIOD - end of story. If you don't - you're dead...
Cpl Mark A. Morris
I agree with most of your post. But, they are not radical. Peaceful Muslims are radical.
Following Muhammad and submitting to the one true god of the Kaaba, means war until the world is under Islam.
Those warriors following Muhammad, are only radical to us.
M. Morris RVT
Following Muhammad and submitting to the one true god of the Kaaba, means war until the world is under Islam.
Those warriors following Muhammad, are only radical to us.
M. Morris RVT
LTC Orlando Illi
Cpl Mark A. Morris - sad thing is Liberals believe that all we have to do is sing Give Peace a Chance and Muslims will immediately renounce the Koran's teachings on eradicating infidels.
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