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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Pick the wrong answer every time Joe!
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Yes, every single time ma'am.
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Anthony Logan
Maybe fossil fuels just happen to be the wrong kind of way to tend to our energy needs, amidst this climate crisis we're currently facing?

PS: I still don't know if I truly belong on this site or not. I'm a former USPHS Commissioned Officer, which counts as a uniformed service, but not as an **armed** service. In any case, the VA considers me a "veteran" like everybody else here.....
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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If our Administrators say your good to go, you're good to go.

Fossil fuels not good now? Ask any Country in Europe that question now. You will receive an interesting answer(s) because no one (including myself) likes to admit they're wrong. The bottom line is solar and wind power are part of the current needs along with fossil. The current intermittent energy sources just aren't ready to deliver what our lives require right now and the people behind intermittent energy sources are making too much money doing what they are doing.

We honestly don't know what the next breakthrough will be (that will allow us to be reliably less fossil dependent): batteries for intermittent energy, fusion energy, or something we haven't even thought of yet. Until that time everything needs to be in the mix at the best cost possible. Cost is something everyone should be thinking about today with the inflation we have, the worst in my lifetime.

We have several fractions feeding off one another (and none of it is good for our Country), the biggest 3 are: The Progressive Marxist Democrats and Republicans who want to totally control our society, the true believers in green energy, and the people/companies who are making money off green energy. There is a fourth fraction: all the Communist nations trying to bring us down.

This is the way I see it.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
I have a friend who is an engineer, Georgia tech grad who works for a power company. He integrated the Fort Gordon and Fort Benning solar plants into the power grid. His take is that solar power is not reliable, neither are wind mills. Natural gas is plentiful, cheap and very clean yet the left in California and New York are banning natural gas in new built private homes. I simply don’t know how they plan on economically providing energy to citizens.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
obiden is killing America. Stop him! What is wrong with the people we elected?
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