Posted on Oct 18, 2024
Edited 5 mo ago
Posted 5 mo ago
Responses: 9
This time the FBI last time Dept of Labor (miscounted 800,000+) job s added … oops!
Amn Roger Omberg
Just maybe that # was posted PRIOR to the VENEZUALA gang got into the APARTMENT building rental business in COLORADO, SAN ANTONIO, with their murders/rape/pillage, just walking across the border at will HUH?? nothing going on round here! LOL disgusting, & they want YOUR vote?
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
The "Big Media" are in the tank for the Democrat-Socialist Party and will not honestly report anything that doesn't favor the Biden-Harris Regime. I call it a 'regime' because it's being run by the Biden-Obama bin Laden crime family. Here is yet another reason to distrust the Biden Dept of (In)Justice, which has been 'weaponized' against non-liberals. The Biden-Harris Regime is trying to make it illegal to disagree with their agenda under the guise of "misinformation' and other excuses.
Amn Roger Omberg
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - All that You say is TRUE, & they hate all US military VETERANs also! take it to the bank!
Amn Roger Omberg
Can anyone believe that OBIDEN,/KACKLES are so stubbornly crazy they are inviting 2000 more ILLEGALS COMING into the USA to vote, question where are they going to be for the vote,? Article 4 section 4 of the US Constitution states, The United States shall Guarantee, to the several states, a republican form of government, & to be free from invasion! Why are they getting away with this?? THIS MUST STOP!!
Funny how that works when you try to protect an elected office holder instead of telling the truth.. They missed almost 1,700 murders "by that much".
LTC Trent Klug
SP5 Dennis Loberger Who nominated the Attorney General? Who did the FBI protect in the Hunter Biden laptop runaround? Remember, the FBI knew the laptop was real in 2019, yet said nothing until 3 years later. And even though the FBI Director serves a set period of time, he is still subject to the whims of a president and can be replaced.
Harris had/has nothing to do with them keeping their jobs. At all.
Harris had/has nothing to do with them keeping their jobs. At all.
Amn Roger Omberg
So that's the reason WE couldn't get Biden on impeachment from congress, when congressman Comer found all of the bogus banks that OBIDEN had accumulated, checks from the CHINESE, buying up our food supply/land, spying on our military, when does this old fart go away He has taken a reported 42 weeks of vacation in 3 1/2 yrs. The American people do not need this at all!!!! Add to that HE is responsible for the deaths of 13 American Navy/MARINES who were slaughtered by the old S.O.B. when they gave away to the CHINESE Bangaram USAF air base, the largest in the world, so they could on purpose cause as much mayhem as possible to every AMERICAN CITIZEN that they could. I know there are some SEALS out there that would love to have a chance at this one. But I digress.
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