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Responses: 3
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Articles Quotes: "here’s the thing: whether the mainstream media wants to admit it or not, Trump’s instincts are often right on the money. The recent debate with Kamala Harris is a prime example."
"Trump hit Harris with a pointed accusation, saying she supported taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants. As expected, the media jumped on him. They labeled his claim as exaggerated or flat-out false."
"The same liberal media giant that constantly criticizes Trump had to acknowledge that his claim was true – Harris did support taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for migrants in custody. And this isn’t the first time the mainstream media has had to walk back its knee-jerk attacks on Trump".
It seems the Progressive Democrats and RINOS can't keep their lies straight... but then they have no values, truth and honesty mean nothing to them or this wouldn't even be a contest.
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LTC Trent Klug
I'm not shocked. The dems publicist arm, the media, doesn't want to lose their stranglehold on America.

Regarding the surgeries. The Oregon Health Plan was instituted in the 1990's. Transgender surgery wasn't covered. An inmate sued to have the plan cover his 'deductadictomy' and lost. Fast forward 25 years, the OHP now covers trans surgery.

I personally was at the door in segregation when an inmate, who was living with liver failure, was told the Bureau of Prisons didn't pay for organ transplants. Now the BOP covers trans surgeries too.

We've gone off the deep end and there's almost zero chance of coming back to the surface.
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AN Ron Wright
#msmenemyofthepeoe. Have lost their integrity
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