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Responses: 4
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
That certainly was a complete failure to protect Mr Trump ! I've worked over two dozen Security Details to include Presidents Nixon, Bush Senior and Bush Jr., President Reagan as well as two US Vice Presidents, the Presidents of Mexico, South Vietnam, Russia and Tanaka the Prime Minister of Japan, Other details for wife's including Nancy Reagan, Madan Chang Kai Sheik, Republic of China/Taiwan and Mrs. Gorbachev, Wife of the Russian President. NEVER was there a failure to cover any spot a shot could be taken from. We even had people on High hills or building on the opposite side of runways where a potential shot could be taken. This was all done in connection with My Air Force Security Police duties and included working directly with the US Secret service, (plainclothes as well as their uniform branch, OSI, other Federal agencies and even the secret service from other countries. One of the details though Vice President Dan Quail charged into the crowd, almost knocked Me off my feet and never even bothered to say excuse Me. (He didn't impress Me much anyway)

I have had the experience while working a perimeter post Tower but from a single shot in the dark at Da Nang Vietnam in 1968 of having a bullet pass within an inch of My ear. I could hear it pass and also a bullet hole appeared in the canvass sheet hung about two fee behind where I was standing. The shot was taken from approx one mile away from a tree line located across a rice paddy. The canvas I guess broke up the lighting behind Me so I could not be seen as well and I guess contributed to saving My life. I used a starlight scope mounted on the perimeter post tower but was unable to pick up any view of the shooter and there wasn't a 2nd shot taken. I hadn't though about that for a while until a shot was taken at President Trump and passed by His ear but from a lot closer range. In my case though at least My ear wasn't hit and I didn't even have a minor injury.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - Thank You SMGT Lawrence McCarter, for your dedication to protecting lives that depended on You, & others in the squad with You. I am now very concerned at the present thinking, Well the bullet missed MR TRUMP, so it all turned out ok, BS! The man could have been murdered, & I for one am not satisfied as to the idea, that all is ok. Its not ok when a former President is on a campaign, & someone decides to take a shot at You because they don't like what You are saying. After a week had gone by, the media, finally, came out & said they had some info prior to the shooting that was revelent to the shooter, My question is why didn't those who had this info say something before the actual event?? To my thinking, that may be a criminal act.??
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
As a footnote, I was stationed in BERGENFELD GE, on the day that PRESIDENT KENNEDY
was assassinated in Dallas, working midshifts, & at first, I thot well, we are at war, because, KRUSCHEV had missiles situated on the Island of CUBA, this was after Kennedy placed a blockade around CUBA, I was somewhat relieved to know that was from an assassins rifle in downtown Dallas. However, even today, WE still do NOT know exactly what happened, or who exactly was involved!
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
MSMSgt Lawrence McCarter?
Great Article Of Interest And Well Written, Also.
And Although It's A Serious Situation, Ya Gotta Admit,
Some Of It Deserves A Laugh ~ Sometimes S__T Just Happens.
BTW The VP Dan's Last Name Is Quayle... I ONLY Know Because I've Known His Great Niece S***n Quayle, For Over 60 Years... Her Father, Thomas Quayle, Was The President Of The (Nortronics ?) Division Of Northrop Corporation In Palo Alto, CA, Before Retirement; And The Quayle's Direct Descendants Of Samuel Clemons, (aka Mark Twain).
Just Some Trivia I Thought Might Be Of Interest For Yourself And Others.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
Amn Roger Omberg -
I Was Working A Part Time Job At The "North Little Rock Pharmacy"
When It Was Announced Over The News; I Was Getting Ready To Deliver
Prescriptions To Some Of The Customers. ~ I Literally Dropped The Packages, And As I Was Running Out The Door, Heading Back To Base, I Shouted Over My Shoulder " I May Not Be Back ".... Never Saw Them Again
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SSG Franklin Briant
The DOJ in this matter is throwing bones out but no meat. From what I have read they say that the investigation is ongoing so they cannot say much, I smell a coverup.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
I am getting the same scent. Brother.
SSgt Kelly D.
SSgt Kelly D.
2 mo
We need a whistleblower to come forth.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
Yes, for about $150,000., or more! And to think about a one way trip to LA LA land!
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
If It Smells As Bad As A SKUNK,
It's Either An Attempted Cover-Up Or
My Breath Blowing Your Way
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LTC Trent Klug
I fear this investigation will be an act straight out of Macbeth. It ...“is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.”
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
With color added by Hannibal Lecture!
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