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Responses: 2
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Of course it did... This is my opinion, but with all the Russian collusion and Putin loves Trump BS, it all comes down to Putin supports the Biden and hopes for a Harris administration. There's no collusion here, he simply knows Trump is the stronger leader and one he will have a harder time negotiating with. All this talk on RP about how NK, Iran, Russia, and China prefer Trump is all nonsensical. Let's see what has happened since Trump left office... Russia invaded Ukraine, NK is getting more provocative with their cyber-attacks, missile buildup, and support to Russia's campaign into Ukraine, Iran appears to be close to nuclear weapons, and is more overtly fighting their war against Israel (and may step into an all-out war), and China continues to increase threats to the shipping lanes and Taiwan.

This is in contrast to Trump who managed to keep things relatively stable in Ukraine, Mid-East peace plans were forming between the likes of Israel and Jordan, Iran was cut off and unable to make progress on nuclear tech, Trump even attempted active diplomatic efforts with NK, and China was hardly knocking on Taiwan's door and making the threats in the South China Seas like they are now. Oh, and Russia's entry into the Syrian civil war resulted in getting their asses handed to them when their mercenaries tried to go toe to toe with US forces. Forces that would not have been there in Syria, fighting ISIS, had Clinton become president carrying on Obama's retreat from Iraq as ISIS attempted to take over.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the US is perceived as weak under Biden by our enemies. They absolutely are hoping Harris takes on the role going forward.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 mo
They absolutely are hoping Harris takes on the role going forward... You got that right.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 mo
Well said!
SPC Cliff Lancaste
SPC Cliff Lancaste
1 mo
Spot on!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
They want to be on Trump's better side.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 mo
They want to squeeze as much concessions as they can out of the Biden/Harris Administration because they know they will get nothing from Trump but the threat to take their economy down, and he will.
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