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Responses: 8
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
LTC (Join to see) Since you remembered Sammy the Luggage Guy, let's not forget another prime example...
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 mo
This weirdo Lesbian would have been the 2024 /1984 Ministry of Truth convenient to Democrats in name only Leftists.

Gigi Sohn got outed by her past Tweets.

Biden loves incompetent Wierdos especially if they are LGBTQ and incompetent. Competent LGBTQ is ok.
LTC Eugene Chu 1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR) Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC (Join to see) Maj William W. 'Bill' Price CSM Chuck Stafford CPL LaForest Gray
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
The gift from Pennsylvania.
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CSM Chuck Stafford
A well used pattern of projection from this administration
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
You got that right.
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LTC Eugene Chu
The story is from last year. The lack of follow up stories in the media suggests that this is a nothing burger.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
2 mo
LTC (Join to see)

Our First Nigger-President: Trumpian Politics and the Curious Fate of White People

SOURCE : https://books.google.com/books/about/Our_First_Nigger_President_Trumpian_Poli.html?id=pv7zzQEACAAJ

V1 : https://youtu.be/S4pSp3Km6Mw?si=kG1exwAI_wGsmzEY

V2 : https://youtu.be/YeLQRZ-OaW8?si=GSCZxp_-j_JrM6CS

Woke = New N- Word

CRT = New N- Word

DEI = New N- Word


1.) (DEI) Diversity, Equality & Inclusion =

1.) SOURCE : https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/supreme-court-affirmative-action-military-veterans-react [login to see] /amp/

2.) SOURCE : https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-10925-establishing-the-presidents-committee-equal-employment-opportunity

3.) SOURCE : https://www.trumanlibraryinstitute.org/civil-rights-2/#:~:text=On%20July%2026%2C%201948%2C%20President,the%20rest%20of%20the%20century.

2.) CRT = Critical Ract FACTS

2a.) Source : https://eji.org/news/remembering-Black-veterans-and-racial-terror-lynchings/

2b.) https://growpurpose.com/charlestongood/perspective-the-casual-killing-act-of-1669-today/

2c.) https://youtu.be/K0UEY1PVRVY?si=mo4IVHyur1s3Bs6g

*2d.) https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/laws/an-act-concerning-patrols-in-compilation-of-the-public-acts-of-the-legislative-council-of-the-territory-of-florida-passed-prior-to-1840-at-65-john-p-duval-ed-1839

*2e.) https://urbanareas.net/info/the-racist-origins-of-us-gun-control/


A.) https://theconversation.com/amp/where-woke-came-from-and-why-marketers-should-think-twice-before-jumping-on-the-social-activism-bandwagon-122713

B.) SOURCE : https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundown-towns/using-the-sundown-towns-database/state-map/

C.) SOURCE : https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2017/0327/Sundown-towns-Midwest-confronts-its-complicated-racial-legacy

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.

Bonus :

1.) Did the definition of nigger change?

There is a widespread belief that the original meaning of nigger, as defined in dictionaries, was "an ignorant person," and a related belief that current dictionary definitions describing its use as a hateful, racist epithet are a recent change.

We do not know the source of those beliefs, but they are not accurate.

The word was first included in a Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1864, at which time it was defined as a synonym of Negro, with a note indicating that it was used "in derision or depreciation."

There has never been a definition like "an ignorant person" for this word in any subsequent dictionary published by this company. Nor do we know of such a definition in any earlier dictionary.

SOURCE : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nigger

2.) Park Ethnography Program

National Park Service
U.S. Department of Interior

Leading etymologists believe that “nigger” was derived from an English word “neger” that was itself derived from “Negro”, the Spanish word for black.

Precisely when the term became a slur is unknown. We do know, however, that by early in the 19th century “nigger” had already become a familiar insult.

In 1837, in The Condition of the Colored People of the United States; and the Prejudice Exercised Towards Them, Hosea Easton observed that “nigger” “is an opprobrious term, employed to impose contempt upon [blacks] as an inferior race…The term itself would be perfectly harmless were it used only to distinguish one class from another; but it is not used with that intent…it flows from the fountain of purpose to injure.”

SOURCE : https://www.nps.gov/ethnography/aah/aaheritage/intro_furthRdg1.htm

* Racist Cowards fear Balance

One Book 2021-2022: So You Want to Talk about Race

Chapter 9: Why Can't I Say the "N" Word?

Words have power because words are more than their dictionary definition. The history of a word matters as long as the effects of that history are still felt. ...  As long as we have had the spoken word, language has been one of the first tools deployed in efforts to oppress others. Words are how we process the world, how we form our societies, how we codify our morals. In order to make injustice and oppression palatable in a world with words that say that such things are unacceptable, we must come up with new words to distance ourselves from the realities of the harm we are perpetrating on others. This is how black people human beings-become [n word]s. All oppression in race, class, gender, ability, religion - it all began with words.

SOURCE : https://libguides.greenriver.edu/OneBook-SoYouWanttoTalk/n-word
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 mo
But he's now a convicted felon. And you all so hate convicted felons. Are democrat felons lesser convicted than republican ones?

LTC (Join to see)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 mo
LTC Trent Klug weirdo Joy Reid won't call this guy a weirdo but says that about Trump/Vance or Crazy for any black who does not vote Democrat.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 mo
LTC (Join to see) Brinton isn't by democrat standards. But he is a convicted thief!
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