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Responses: 3
SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited 2 mo ago
This is weird that they went with an electronic verson since there has been the technology to build glass scopes to do the same thing for decades. An electronic scope just seems to be non-GI Proof.
I bought both Binoculars and Scope that have an 'Infinity Focus' through a glass lens. Mine were purchased through the company named 'Jensen'. They came with (my order) or without a reticle. I have a Scope with Infinity Focus 10x for shots greater 350 meters and beyond out to 1250 meters using the internal military-style reticle. It’s on my M21 Rifle and I use .308 match ammo. I used a modified semi-auto CAR15 (utilizing an AR15 receiver with forward assist/ejection port cover and side folding stock) for CQC.
I do not think they (the scope) are available on the market any more but here is a link to the more modern versions. I recommend the Leupold FX-II Fixed Power Riflescope currently about $300 (the article is a lil'bit dated) on Amazon.
The article discusses various styles of other scopes and gives the Pros and Cons for each.
SGT (Join to see) MSG (Join to see) CSM Charles Hayden SSG(P) Dan Keene SFC Andrew Reed
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 mo
Thanks for sharing.
LTC Database Administrator
LTC (Join to see)
1 mo
Although I agree that this doesn't seem Infantry Proof, there are two things:
1. This is just a proof of concept.
2. They are trying to adopt their solution to the existing optical site (which is electronic).
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
SGT (Join to see) what do you think?
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 mo
I'd be interested, too, Rick . . .
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SGT Philip Roncari
Guys, completely lost this old fart talking about computerized rifle scope,latest technology in my day,iron sights,although I’d be very,very interested if these brand spanking new Second Looies have a working knowledge of a Lensatic compass, Welcome Home Brothers.
LTC Database Administrator
LTC (Join to see)
1 mo
LOL. As I understand it, the traditional compass course has gone the way of the dodo and has been replaced with GPS navigation. I personally think that is a dangerous precedent given the spoofing of GPS systems that are happening nowadays, but I was never a fan of find your point, set an azimuth, and trudge through terrain in a straight line. I've always favored terrain navigation and unfortunately that is starting to become a lost art.
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