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Responses: 2
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Our educational institutions are going completely nuts.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
9 mo
Why bother to make rules at all? What are you truly teaching them?
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
9 mo
Political and social relativism has raised their ugly heads! There is no right or wrong anymore for fear of offending someone!
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
9 mo
MAJ Montgomery Granger - they don’t consider that common sense folk are offended by their idiocy.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
9 mo
I say shut them down, if they are there to encourage violence, and not ther to make the world,A better place,,They do not realize that Mouthing off like that is the same as verbal murder,Like telling a kid cause he or she is no good,and never amount to anything if they decide to hold their view,To help bring Love back in t o the world
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MAJ Montgomery Granger
Liberal university administrators are cowards. At my son's graduation from Stony Brook University a few years ago, there was no US flag flown at an outdoor ceremony, even though there were clearly flag poles at the football stadium where the ceremony was held. The inside story was that foreign students complained to the new university president, that displaying the flag would be offensive to them, she caved! Imagine that! I blew it up on social media, and subsequent ceremonies included the flag. Abhorrent!
CPT Kurk Harris
CPT Kurk Harris
9 mo
Modern academia is a cesspool. I went back to grad school in 2020 at the University of Pennsylvania. We frequently had guest lecturers. I had at least 3 who were avowed communists and one who listed herself as a Communist Activist in her published bio. (She referred to all her peers as "comrades".) We had lecturers who actively called for the "dismantling" of the US Constitution. It was clear that disagreeing with their rhetoric would not be tolerated, so those of us who were opposed to their ideas were silenced for fear of being kicked out of the program. So nothing you could tell me about academia would be shocking.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
9 mo
I say File A Law suit against them who promise a better education,but instead turn Children into those Hate groups,those Groups who turn kids into Mask wearing,AK-47's soldiers
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