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Responses: 3
SSG Environmental Specialist
Rob R. is and has been a stupid fool and brainless idiot for years.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Edited 8 mo ago
A washed out actor /producer from Hollywood and a non Christian man talking about how Christians are supposed to act...that's rich!

His opinion and a dollar will get yo a cup of Senior Coffee at McDonalds in the morning!

Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt Marcus Falleaf Cpl Vic Burk MSgt James Parker SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown
Cpl Vic Burk
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Maj John Bell
Edited 8 mo ago
Rob Reiner is not an observant Jew. January 13, 2012, Rob Reiner put an end to speculations about his religious beliefs by announcing that he identifies as an atheist with no religious affiliations. To the best of my knowledge, atheists don't believe in Hell. So, what he is saying, by his own beliefs, is nonsense. I'd say I love it when atheists tell me about what constitutes faithful practice of my faith, but I don't.

I am not a Jew. I do not claim to know Jewish beliefs about an afterlife. I did find this...

" Jewish mystics described a spiritual place called “Gehinnom.” This is usually translated as “Hell,” but a better translation would be “the Supernal Washing Machine.” Because that’s exactly how it works. The way our soul is cleansed in Gehinnom is similar to the way our clothes are cleansed in a washing machine.

Put yourself in your socks’ shoes, so to speak. If you were to be thrown into boiling hot water and flung around for half an hour, you might start to feel that someone doesn’t like you. However, the fact is that it is only after going through a wash cycle that the socks can be worn again.

We don’t put our socks in the washing machine to punish them. We put them through what seems like a rough and painful procedure only to make them clean and wearable again. The intense heat of the water loosens the dirt, and the force of being swirled around shakes it off completely. Far from hurting your socks, you are doing them a favor by putting them through this process."
Source: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1594422/jewish/Do-Jews-Believe-in-Hell.htm
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
8 mo
1SG Russell Scott - In word, but it's always easy for the wealthy to be professed Marxists as long as they don't have to actually giveaway their money to bring themselves to the middle class.

When someone claims to be a Marxist or socialist
_ask them what the median income is for their metropolitan statistical area.
_ask them if they make more or less than that.
_if they make more, ask them how they give away the excess.
_if they make less, smile and say "of course you are. Because that is easier than improving your skills and earning more."

Rob Reiner's net worth is about $120million.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
8 mo
1SG Russell Scott - The median income in Los Angeles County, California, where Mr. Reiner lives is $98,000. It is estimated that he earns on average $16million gross per year in salary, residuals, and royalties.
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