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Responses: 5
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Of course they want it to move quick...they want anything and everything they have thrown at Trump to stick cause they know they can't beat him in a FAIR RACE! SO let's sling everything we havve at the wall and eventually something might just might stick! Instead of taking care of our nations business they have wasted billions of taxpayer dollars going after him!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
8 mo
CPL Larry Frias Jr - We are in dire straits but we as Americans have to work together to fix it. Larry...I will say this...I don't think we need to destroy any side. We are a nation of independent thinkers...some lean left and some lean right and some are right in the middle. If we destroy either side we end up with group think and to me that is more dangerous than us versus them. That is where we are in this nation now...we have somehow gotten the mentality that if you disagree with me you must be destroyed...we have got to get past that and get back to the Scottish way of settling it over a pint. Sometimes the left throws out questions that make me go and research for myself and sometimes I tend to move a little more to the middle than right on some topics. I hope that my discussions and questions do the same for them.


Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt Marcus Falleaf Cpl Vic Burk MSgt James Parker SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes
CPL Larry Frias Jr
CPL Larry Frias Jr
8 mo
thats nonsense...and u know it LTC....IF THE FAR RIGHT does not eliminate the far left we will b speaking chinese soon enough...look at our borders look at inflation....gas $5 per gallon ...really...no time to b politically correct ...take a stand ...on side or the other....look at our judicial system...LTC...i for one do not care for the left ....i care for America....
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
8 mo
Should his immunity be revoked, then Biden needs to face trial for the border. Cut and dried.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
8 mo
CPL Larry Frias Jr - Again...IMHO...Destruction of any side is wrong...group think is a dangerous thing...I don't care for the left and a lot of their policies but I willnot call for their complete destruction...we are all Americans and we have to find a way to figure this out. Completely right is no good either.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
I think that the left is getting a bit anxious.
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
Donald and we the people are entitled to a speedy trial.
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