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Responses: 5
SPC Michael Terrell
Anyone who doesn't kiss the left's ass is deemed a terrorist.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
7 mo
SPC Michael Terrell Couldn't have said it better myself Brother Michael.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
7 mo
Spc Michael Terrell, Right on.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
Seems that would be illegal without a subpoena, they should tell the Admin to get bent.
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Maj John Bell
Edited 7 mo ago
Under The Obama Administration:

" According to the FDIC, these businesses include: . . . firearms sales,

"Operation Choke Point was created by the Justice Department to “choke out” companies the administration considers a “high risk” or otherwise objectionable, despite the fact that they are legal businesses. The goal of the initiative is to deny these merchants access to the banking and payments networks that every business needs to survive.
Source: The Department of Justice’s “Operation Choke Point”: Illegally Choking Off Legitimate Businesses? Staff Report. 113th Congress May 29, 2014

The Department is aware of these impacts, and has dismissed them. Internal memoranda on Operation Choke Point acknowledge the program’s impact on legitimate merchants. Senior officials informed Attorney General Eric Holder that as a consequence of Operation Choke Point, banks are exiting entire lines of business deemed “high risk” by the government.
Source: The Department of Justice’s “Operation Choke Point”: Illegally Choking Off Legitimate Businesses? Staff Report. 113th Congress May 29, 2014

The Department lacks adequate legal authority for the initiative. Operation Choke Point is being executed through subpoenas issued under Section 951 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989. The intent of Section 951 was to give the Department the tools to pursue civil penalties against entities that commit fraud against banks, not private companies doing legal business. Documents produced to the Committee demonstrate the Department has radically and
unjustifiably expanded its Section 951 authority.
Source: The Department of Justice’s “Operation Choke Point”: Illegally Choking Off Legitimate Businesses? Staff Report. 113th Congress May 29, 2014

"Operation Choke Point threatens countless legal businesses well outside of consumer finance. The Department’s radical reinterpretation of its authority under FIRREA, in conjunction with recent policy announcements by bank examiners, is compelling banks to terminate longstanding lending and depository relationships with a wide array of lawful businesses and individuals. According to the FDIC, these businesses include: ...online tobacco [and] firearms sales Source: The Department of Justice’s “Operation Choke Point”: Illegally Choking Off Legitimate Businesses? Staff Report. 113th Congress May 29, 2014

"According to the FDIC, these businesses include: ... firearms sales,..."
“Operation Choke Point”: Illegally Choking Off Legitimate Businesses? Staff Report. 113th Congress May 29, 2014

The Department’s radical reinterpretation of what constitutes an actionable violation under § 951 of FIRREA fundamentally distorts Congress’ intent in enacting the law, and inappropriately demands that
bankers act as the moral arbiters and policemen of the commercial world. In light of the Department’s obligation to act within the bounds of the law, and its avowed commitment not to “discourage or inhibit” the lawful conduct of honest merchants, it is necessary to disavow and dismantle Operation Choke Point.

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