The left will automatically call me a Transphobe. I do not GAF! I have a transgender stepdaughter. She used to be a good student and an athlete. She hung around drunks and druggies on my wife's side of the family and became an addict and dropped out of school. She acts like a man, but she has no money to go change her name because she does not work and is now 27 years old and Dropped out of rehab a few times. The type of person who stays up all night and steps all day. She smokes cigarettes constantly even though she has a heart problem. She lives with a girlfriend. But also is on public assistance and drives her car without insurance. She was often seen at clubs or at the county fair drunk. Always asks for money even though she receives money from Canadian welfare.
That being said...
A transgender city council person confronts this Vietnam veteran over his sign outside. He has a Star Wars science fiction paraphernalia store. They get in a heated argument. It is on video. The Vietnam Veteran got the idea from South Park. South Park had an episode in which A principal stuck to his principles, saying that a man is a man and a woman is a woman and there's no such thing as Transgender and he gets fired.
This guy becomes a folk hero and a celebrity. Trantifa did not beat him up or burn down his business.